Shiba Inu's Flawless Kangaroo Impression In Deep Snow

7 years ago

The winter season can be lovely for those of us who love the snow and can stand the cold. It is a "winter person's" dream for snow to build up throughout the night so they can wake up to white blankets covering the ground. Some of us that love the winter season decide to spend the day and just walk around the city park enjoying the sights, where as some us that like sports, can't wait to take their snowboard or skis and hit the slopes. And for some of us, it's a favorite book and cuddled up next to the fire place and enjoying the views from indoors.

Like this lovely Shiba Inu who of course is the biggest fan, it is always a happy day when he wakes up to coats of white covering the ground. He can't help him self but run outside and take in all that the winter has to offer. His owners know this for a fact, so they grasp the perfect occasion to film such wonderful winter cheer.

The snow has fallen throughout the night and there is a bunch out there. His attempt to see whats in the distance as he jumps and prances is just to adorable. Koji Hara, a Shiba Inu living in metro Detroit, absolutely loves to prance around in the snow. Hilarious!

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