Kevin Galalae (2016) Talk on the Global Depopulation Agenda United Nations Globalization

1 year ago

Kevin Galalae (2016) Talk on the Global Depopulation Agenda United Nations Globalization
Regardless of the Fact that Kevin Galalae is a Major Whistleblower, he sadly appears to accept the Narratives Presented by the Globalists themselves.
Even though he has been duped into believing the Narrative of the Globalists, he drops some major Bombshells, and I recommend listening to the entire video.
When he talks about Retired People as being a Burden on the Government, he completely overlooks the Fact they have PAID for their Retirement by Paying Social Security and Taxes all of their lives. Government has delegated your lifespan to nothing more than a System of Profit for the Elite. The vast wealth of International Banks, Mega Corporations and the Roman Catholic Church proves they do not give one damn about the Well Being of the Masses
Kevin Galalae 2016
Kevin Galalae's statement that Depopulation is Not from Evil Intent may well be the Viewpoint of the Globalist's
But Intentionally Causing Sickness and Death is as Nefarious as it gets. And since the time of this video in 2016, it has become completely obvious through the Covid Vax Genocide exactly HOW EVIL the Agenda really is...
I would bet his views on that have changed since then.
And the notion that the World has Finite Limitations on Resources is complete BS. The Systematic Enslavement of the Population by using the Lie of False Scarcity has been used to Control and Suppress the Masses for many centuries.
Cheap and Clean or Free Energy is being Withheld from Humanity. This Free Energy could be used for Desalinization to make the Desserts Bloom with Limitless Farmlands.
None of this has Anything to do with the Benefit of the People. It has always been about the Benefit of the Ruling Elite...
Kevin Galalae is Truly Heroic. The amount of Persecution he has Suffered to Warn Humanity about the Global Depopulation Agenda is truly staggering...
Kevin Galalae was thrown into Prison and Survived a Long Hunger Strike after EXPOSING the Global Depopulation Agenda
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