Daily Prayer for Survivors of SRA, MKUltra, and Human Trafficking

10 months ago

February 19th, 2024 Ephesians 3:16-21 NIV

Prophetic Prayer Ministry will be Live March 2 @ 4:00 PM MST (USA)

Reverend Rachel is a fierce prayer warrior against the injustices in our society and the agendas of human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, and religion covering it up. She works professionally at a homeless shelter. She is a survivor of the Mormon occult, MKultra, satanic ritual abuse, and childhood sexual trafficking. She survived religious persecution and abuse amongst her journey seeking healing with Jesus. She is ordained and has an apostolic covering that sent her to Phoenix on the Lord’s assignment. She pleads and preaches for the church to return to her first love, and repent to receive Grace, that Grace can then be extended to our neighbors.
She has written three books on Amazon, by R. Ramah: The Broken Hearted Captive , https://www.amazon.com/Broken-Hearted-Captive-story-daughter/dp/B09PHBVR6F/ref=sr_1_3?crid=364HH1QQA92YD&keywords=R+Ramah+books&qid=1704535106&sprefix=r+ramah+books%2Caps%2C370&sr=8-3 . The Girl Raised by Angels https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Bridegroom-letters-carry-heart/dp/B0B93YMCKT/ref=sr_1_2?crid=364HH1QQA92YD&keywords=R+Ramah+books&qid=1704535176&sprefix=r+ramah+books%2Caps%2C370&sr=8-2 . Letters to the Bridegroom https://www.amazon.com/Girl-Raised-Angels-R-Ramah/dp/B0BB62NZP9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=364HH1QQA92YD&keywords=R+Ramah+books&qid=1704535176&sprefix=r+ramah+books%2Caps%2C370&sr=8-1

Rachel’s blog can be found https://upperroomconversations.wordpress.com/
If you would like more information about or want to learn how to support Reverend Rachel’s growing ministry RevRachPHX@proton.me .

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