US Congressman Larry McDonald's NWO comments before his plane was shot down

1 year ago

"There is an elite core in this country...the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations....Well let's face it, they have dominated State Department for 40 years and pretty much openly. Their objective is to try and bring about a gradual transition in our society, the dissolving of sovereignty and moving steadily to the left on the political spectrum...

The International Monetary Fund has certainly been set up for the purpose of facilitating that transfer of sovereignty and transfer of are looking at a group that has worked to bring about the dissolution of national sovereignty on the road to world government.

You are familiar with professor Carroll Quigley who has been part of your club, in which he admitted all this. He said in his book Tragedy and Hope, the only thing I disagree with is that we worked to keep it a secret."

Larry McDonald, US Congressman

"The tale of Representative Larry McDonald might be the weirdest, most unbelievable one in modern American politics that you’ve never heard...

“Larry was very concerned about security,” Kathy McDonald, the congressman’s widow, told me by phone. “He felt that we weren’t focused enough on national defense, and on the deterioration of American sovereignty.”

More specifically, he warned of a communist conspiracy against America that, in his words, “permeated virtually every level of society.” This internal subversion by secret red sympathizers, in McDonald’s thinking, was the single greatest threat to America. For McDonald, the Soviets were endowed with an almost cosmic menace. “We are at war,” he once said. “It’s an economic war, it’s a war of subversion, it’s a war of espionage, it’s a war of ideas, and it’s a war of terrorism, and it’s a war of infiltration.”

Late on August 30, 1983, Korean Airlines Flight 007 departed New York, bound for Seoul. It never made it to its final destination. In the early morning hours of September 1, while the plane was cruising at 30,000 feet, South Korean air controllers lost contact somewhere near Sakhalin Island, a strategically sensitive area in the Soviet Union’s Far East...

All 269 men and women aboard the flight were killed, including Congressman Larry McDonald, who had been on his way to a Heritage Foundation-sponsored South Korea-U.S. defense conference.'

Read the Article:

The Congressman Who Created His Own Deep State. Really.
When he feared communists were infiltrating America, Larry McDonald took extreme measures — building his own intelligence-gathering arm.

By ZACH DORFMAN December 02, 2018

2024 NWO (dissolution) Update Notes

United Network News, World Situation Report with Kim Goguen:

Order of the Dragon is the ‘boss’ of the Federal Reserve (what’s left of it) which still claims that it runs the financial show on the planet but it can’t pay its operatives. All you have is a bunch of debt and hot air.

Their plans to create a NWO, utilizing all of what’s left of their assets, is kinda going out the window. That is becoming more and more evident. It’s not just in the US. This is happening in the UK, Israel, throughout the Middle East, Russia, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria. (These countries have recently approached Kim Goguen, Director, Global Intelligence Agency, to have a meeting about new ways of doing things. Wise move.)

In the grand scheme of the freedom of humanity, which is what we are looking for here, we would like to not be collateral, would like to have them stop spraying us like cockroaches, we would like to have them stop infecting our food, our air, our water, our medical system, creating false belief systems and medical things that don’t work.

We would also like a little more time to spend with our family and that would therefore require a reasonable living wage in all areas of the world. There’s a lot more to this than that but the world has to change. And that change, I believe, starts with you, as co-creator, me as co creator and if you are a group of people, it starts with a group of people co-creating with the Creator at the same time for the same thing, to bring that into our physical reality.

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