Clown World Weekly With The Spiritual Gangsters - Episode 22

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What's goin' on, gangsters?!? Hope you all had a amazing weekend are ready to tackle another crazy week in Clown World. This week's topics are:

Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting
Mega church pastor kicks bible during Super Bowl Sunday service
Huma Abedin dating George Soros’ son
Black Rock drops out of UN climate alliance
UFO shoots down nuclear weapon with laser
Russia developing anti-satellite weapon
Trump’s new sneakers symbolism breakdown
First case of Bubonic Plague in US since 2015
Study showing 80% of Americans tested positive for chlormequat
LCBO wants to start scanning IDs for liquor store entry, is this a digital ID precursor?

Thank you all for tuning in!! Please share the show with your favourite conspiracy theorists and we'll see you next week -- stay gangster!!

Links For The Spiritual Gangsters

Links For The Occult Rejects & The NY Patriot Show

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