🇫🇷🇪🇺🗣️ alvafrenchonimdb.fr | My 🇩🇿 flag + I were escorted out of Hudson Yards

1 year ago

🇫🇷🇪🇺🗣️ alvafrenchimdb.fr | My flag and I were escorted out of Hudson Yards this morning by a tall white male security guard wearing a light blue suit at about 11h this morning.

I wrapped the flag around my neck and forgot I was wearing it as I tried making my way to a public restroom on the premises.

I pointed out that New York bureau of the Associated Press was once down the block when I began stringing for it while in US graduate school for journalism in 2011.

Why is The Hudson Yards still empty after billions were spent to construct it, while the subways and schools are still a mess ?

Le 19 février 2024
Saint 🇮🇹🇪🇺🗣️ Gabin

Al qalam jesuisjournaliste.fr x Alva N’Guessan - French

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