Ray McGovern: Was Navalny an MI6 Agent?

1 year ago

Ray McGovern: Was Navalny an MI6 Agent?
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom
295K subscribers

Feb 19, 2024 #Espionage #IntelligenceAnalysis #Navalny
In our engaging conversation with Ray McGovern, we not only delved into the question of Navalny's alleged MI6 ties but also explored the looming specter of Julian Assange's upcoming High Court hearing. McGovern's expertise sheds light on the broader implications of Assange's legal battle, touching on issues of press freedom, government accountability, and the challenges faced by whistleblowers in today's world. Join us as we navigate the complex terrain of international justice and examine the critical importance of defending individuals like Assange who dare to expose the truth.

#Espionage, #IntelligenceAnalysis, #Navalny, #MI6, #RayMcGovern, #GlobalPolitics, #CovertOperations, #InternationalIntrigue, #TruthSeeking, #Geopolitics, #IntelligenceCommunity, #PodcastDiscussion, #WhistleblowerInsights, #PoliticalMachinations, #SecretAgendas, #JulianAssange

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