His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - Feb 7-2024 - Captions

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7 months ago

I was in the book of revelation today and I'm like, Lord, I can't wait for that beauty when we go home to be with you when it's just absolutely beautiful and perfect. But until we do, we gotta, we gotta war God, you know, we have a, we are dealing with a war and I remember God gave me those, uh, w a r and he had me spell it out.

And it says, yeah. Worship and resist. So when you're in war, you're supposed to worship and resist. And when we, first of all, you worship because it destroys the power of the enemy and you resist because when you resist the devil, he has to plead. So he gave me that. And. And every single thing that we're seeing, it is beyond, there's so many things, even in our ministry and going on in our own lives, they're impossible.

It looks like everything's getting chaotic and crazy. And it's just like, and I was, I was sitting there telling Lord, I'm like, Lord, there's so much going on right now. I don't know exactly what to do. He said, come to me, I'll give you rest. It was just that simple. So even though we are, you know, we can be all stressed out.

We can. We can have the weight of all these things that were going on in our life are going on in the world. And you're just like, Lord, I don't know where to start. And he says, come to me, I'll give you a rest. And so he gave me a lot this morning. Cause I did, I I'm leaving for Tulsa tomorrow. So he gave me a lot of different things.

And, uh, this morning, cause I was doing pre recorded and he, I had to do a live show too. And I was just like, I was so excited. He was giving me literally. Uh, the enlightenment on air, and he was giving me this, I've never seen it before, not like this Scriptures he was giving me about how the enemies are actually and not how they look.

They're actually in fear. They're crumbling. They're on that verge of running. God said in his word, it was Proverbs, uh, 28, I think it was 28. It was either 28 or 29. He said, even though there's no one chasing after them, your enemies are already on the run. But just think about, we're waking up, we're starting to fight back, we're starting to realize the truth, that truth is setting us free, and so if they're on, if they're going to be on the run, and scared, even when we were asleep before, when we weren't chasing them, how much more do you think they're going to be like that, if we're all awake, and we're all sitting there using the word of God?

The greatest weapon in the world is the word of God, is the sword of the spirit. They've got nothing. So, and there's so many different confirmations that I've had lately about what's going on around the world today. And this whole thing with Putin. I can't wait to hear what happens with Putin and what happens with Tucker because I have so many prophecies regarding Putin.

He's got stuff. That's why they're petrified of this man. He's got stuff. And I don't know how much he'll reveal. With Tucker, but I'm telling ya, this is going to go viral in a way, I, I believe. That it hasn't before we actually as a prayer team, we're praying for Tucker and all of his team and, you know, praying for their protection because, you know, they're, we know they're in harm's way because this is something that they don't want out the good news about harm's way.

Uh, you know, a lot of us were in harm's way before, uh, with security and attacks. I, I've been. Poison maybe three times. They tried to shoot me in California a few years ago, but now there's, there's so much in panic. I don't, I never fear, but that concern of them trying to do that now is that they're, they're just trying to hold on.

The dam is breaking so fast that they can't keep up. And this Twitter with, uh, with Putin, um, I'm told of some of the things he's said from a mutual friend of ours that knows Tucker, and it's going to be, it'll be the biggest viewed on Twitter ever, and it will shock. Um, many people, as I say, 1111 and behind you at this time, um, and it's going to shock the world what he's going to tell.

And it's going to surprise people, his demeanor, demeanor, and where he's coming from. God. I don't have to get those prophecies out, but God said back in 2022 and I've says before on this show. Before the Ukraine and Russia war, he said Russia was going to be in the news more and more and you will be surprised on which side they're actually on.

And he's talked a lot about Putin. I can't believe how many prophecies my, my assistant Natasha, hi Natasha, she's watching. She actually pulled a lot of these up for me. We had no idea how many there was. He talked about Putin a lot. And there's a key. Why do you think there was something that was said? Why hasn't there been an interview of this president?

Why have there not been anybody talking to him? Why, why is he not, everyone's hearing about Zelensky and his opinion and his whining about all the billions of dollars that they supposedly ran out of. I don't know how they would have done that. Because, you know, they're siphoning that money. It's blood money.

It's bribe money and it's money to hide stuff. Uh, what's going on in our country, but with Putin, no one's talked to him. No one wants anyone to talk to him. And when I heard, uh, was Tucker NSA spying on him, my comp. Lord, how many prophecies have you had about the NSA? And there was going to be whistleblowers coming out about NSA, but we've heard a lot about, you know, God's talked about a lot about the CIA, a lot about the FBI, but it's also talked a lot about the NSA.

And there hasn't been a lot of whistleblowers coming out about the NSA yet, but there will be very shortly. They will also, so all the intelligent agencies, and again, there's a lot of good people that work in every single one of them. And I'm not bashing them as a whole. It's certain the corruption that has gotten in there is like every single person in Washington, D.

C. I was just there for a week for prayer breakfast. You could feel the demonic activity in that area. And I met with someone and wonderful child of almighty God. And I was excited that somebody is, you know, in Washington that is in our government. That is a born again child of the most high God. And they believe the same way we believe and they're minority right now, but it's like no matter what is going on and that I know there's not all bad people, God's going to reveal.

I'm going to show you some prophecies. He's given somewhat some. I haven't given out one. Uh, there I prerecorded them. In other words, I have given out already. Some of them are very, very, you know, he's been talking about, um, blueprints a lot with us, the blueprints of the January 6th Now he's talking about the architect or who makes the blueprints, an architect.

And then he specifically was laying out the architects for all these different, he's so his, how he reveals things to us is so powerful and it's mind boggling. This was all the last prophecies I had received. I just received actually one this morning on our prayer call and it was awesome and powerful.

Uh, but this is the last one I had written. And I'm going to share it, uh, with you. I gave it out this morning, but it, it is awesome. And one of, for, for Monday that I pre recorded, uh, while I was gone that while I will be gone, it is something that it, I don't know how the anticipation of all these things, but we know that intensify it's, it's, it's everything is intensifying, but how he's revealing to it, us is more detailed.

And he's showing us more in prophecies and prophecies being fulfilled all the time. He's showing us who's really in control and it's not who it looks like. And that's manifesting in the natural too, because that's matching up, um, to some of the Intel that I get and I, I get, I'm blessed. I get the benefits of both worlds.

I hear it from generals all over the world, but also I hear it from, Uh, well, when you're on with me and, but I have some personal friends that, uh, Barry for one that lets me know, and what God's telling him and how that matches the real intel. And just, it's, you can only say it's God at this point in time.

It's only God to orchestrate all these things together. Oh, for sure. And that's something that it is only God. And he's going to prove that it's only him. He's only him that is going to save this country. Yes, he's going to use President Trump, of course he will. The president Trump is not going to get the glory.

It will be God, God will get the glory for it. He will use Trump to do it, but God will get the glory because what's going to happen is so unprecedented that only he could do it. I mean, that's, that's, since this is Wendy Wednesdays with Julie green, I know there's some certain people with the generals and president Trump's team that's watching this.

I just. Please go back to the president and Trump and tell him that there are certain people around him that, uh, need to get on their knees and pray. They've faded away from what God's call is on their life. And I'm not going to name their names, but, uh, this is a time that we, we sometimes pruning is necessary to go to the next step.

And president Trump is either going to have to do some pruning and, or get these people are going to have to get. Number one, right with God right now, because that goes with what we've been praying. Yeah, there's been people that have kept, um, other people away from him spiritually. Uh, you know, because they don't know or because they are being used, but there are people that have still been in his, um, in his camp that God will reveal to him, we've been praying that God would reveal to him who is real, who is really, truly real and who is not.

And, um, I spoke with somebody while I was in D. C. Um, and I asked him to get a message and I just said, um, look, we all love him. We're all praying for him. Um, but he has to have God. He has to have the wisdom of almighty God. He has a plan of almighty God because our heart. Our power and our, you know, uh, intelligence can only get us so far, but what is going to get him over the top and through the rest of this mess that he is dealing with right now to keep him from the seat of the president?

Because we see it's all over the place. It's the election. It's all these indictments. It's everything they're trying to get to try and tear him apart. They're trying to weaken him and distract him. From focusing on God, it's all the problem focus on the problem, focus on the problem. If he's focused on the problem, he's not focused on God and God's a solution to all that problem.

God is that key solution. So we can only go so far. Just like when he was showing me and when he had me praying for president Trump, because he always calls president Trump is David. And we literally had me praying for president Trump while I was in DC. And I was praying for him in all these different ways.

And one of the things that he said was David knew my David. knew that it was only me that could defeat that lion. It was only me. That defeated that bear is only me that could defeat that Goliath, that giant that was in front of him. And it was only me that could defeat Saul. He used David, but David knew it was the power of almighty God that in everything that he faced, that he knew he couldn't go in at it alone.

David knew he had to have the power of almighty God. And he trusted in that covenant of almighty God. And so when he was having me pray for him, he was saying, he's my David. And this is the key right here. This is the key. He has to know that it is me that will get him through these problems. I will give him every solution.

I will get him over the top and destroy the giants in front of him. As long as he knows that it's me that's doing it. And so it was very, and there was more and there was more to it. He gave me actually a lot of different things and it was just blessed me to the point where I was like, Lord, I pray that he receives that, that he hears that somehow, some way he hears these words, Lord, that you have for him because they're yours, they're your words, because he is your vessel.

And it was, it was very eyeopening and I love the fact of how he showed that to me. Of how he's going to use president Trump, but how he's going to get him over all of it. There's a lot of mess that he's in, but God is going to get him out of that mess as soon as he relies on him to do it. Well, he's, uh, he's, he's, he's, he's gaining on it and his faith with the Lord.

I know he is, this is a firsthand witness. I know two people personally that were at a table with him. It was probably six months ago, maybe. And they told me this directly and he was intrigued with Kim Clement. He was intrigued with the gift of prophecy. So he's digging into this more and more and more.

Yeah. The enemy's trying to distract him to keep him from this last key and last piece of the puzzle because this last key and this last piece of the puzzle will give him over the top. And everything that he is saying will fall before his face. And it will be destroyed. And that's, that's again, what we pray for.

We pray that his eyes are open or anybody is with him, that it is truly God. It's not anything that they can do by themselves. He will use them, but it's not what they can do by themselves. It's what God can do through them. And it's that trusting in God, God, this is bigger than me. And that's how we see that with David.

David couldn't physically, a 16 year old boy could not physically defeat a lion with his own hand, but it wasn't his hand or his strength. It was God and God was showing David. No matter what you're facing, no matter how big the enemy is, that's against you, I'm bigger. And that's what we all have. That is President Trump.

We all have to know that. We all have to know that any giant that we're facing, any horrible situation that we're facing, it is closing in. There's so much of it. You can see that we're right at the point of the breakthrough, not only with President Trump and everything that he's facing, but the breakthrough of this nation, because you see it.

It's, um, trying to close in and it's trying to grasp more, it's trying to be more, um, impossible looking, more, uh, deceiving to the fact of, uh, it's going in the wrong direction, there's nothing we can do about it, and we just have to accept defeat. When we are under that pressure to accept defeat, when we're under that pressure where everything is out of control or we're all surrounded, We may be surrounded by the enemy.

We may be outnumbered, it looked like. But just like Elijah prayed at Gehazi, I would open his eyes and see the truth. That even though there was an enemy encamped around them in on that mountain, who was with them with the angel armies were even more in number. So that's what we have to know. And that's what he's got to know too.

That's what president Trump has got to know and anybody with him has got to know. It's not there. What they know is what's God's going to show him. God's going to show him something that the enemy can't stop because the enemy can't see. Somebody I know saw in the spiritual realms. I talked to him this weekend and he saw the darkness coming from the West and then he looked to the East and there was legion upon legion of God's angels coming against this darkness and it's going to trample them were in that middle period of the eye of the storm.

Yes. Oh, you said storm. I have a prophecy pulled up here and he mentions a storm and he's, he's, I don't know how many prophecies he's given me about storm, but this one was a hurricane. And he said, a hurricane was coming and it was going to strike DC. He said, it's not as you suppose, he said, it's not a natural hurricane.

He said, this storm is a storm of vengeance. It's a storm of judgment. And it's a storm of justice all wrapped in one perfect storm. And if you know what the storm there's damage to certain things and there's cleansing to others and God is damaging the enemy, but he's cleansing our nation. He had me when we were all there, there was a couple of our team members and we were there and he.

I wasn't planning on this because I was there just for the prayer breakfast. There were so many things that he had us do that was not part of the prayer breakfast. And, um, he said, I want you to go to certain places. I said, okay. And when you get to these certain places, I want you to say certain things against it.

Okay. So we went to all these different spots in D. C. Very strategic spots. The White House. The Washington monument, the Capitol, we went to, um, the Lincoln Memorial. We went to in a couple other places, Lincoln Memorial. That's just one. I just wanted to go for fun because I love the Lincoln Memorial. It's only a good one.

It's only a good one for sure. And he, and again, always, oh, the IR, uh, no, the FBI, it was the Federal Reserve somewhere else. It was multiple different places. And he said, remember everywhere our foot. And our soul shall tread upon that belongs to us. So he has to take authority over every single one of these places and everything hidden in them.

I remember standing at the Capitol. I've never been that close. I've never been on the grounds of the Capitol in my life. Never. I've driven past it, you know, saw it. Never stood on the ground and I'll stand on the ground and I, and I'm replaying all the things that they did that day and, you know, what it looked like and, and what they've done since then.

And I said, Lord, the darkness, the evil that's in that building that is keeping this country. Enslaved to it. Tear it down, like the walls of Jericho. Tear it down, confuse them, like the Tower of Babel. I mean, this is just, certain things, it would just come out of my spirit, I would just say certain things.

And, and again, every strategic, oh, the White House, I had fun at the White House. Oh, I had so much fun there. But anyway, I mean, we were just standing by the gate. We were just praying. We can take back territory and we have to use our authority over all these positions. Because all these people think that they can get away and do whatever they want, and they can't.

We as Solomosai God have been given, uh, we have been given marching orders because we're in the army of the Lord, and we have to strategically take back this nation with the word of God. Not our words. But with the word of God. And so, um, like I said, there was a lot of things that we did that I wasn't planning on and it was, it was pretty awesome.

I, the first couple of days, I, the demonic things were so harsh and, um, hard, um, but once I broke past that, it was just like. Let's go have fun. Lauren. Yeah. People don't realize that I've been to DC. Oh boy. Twice. Uh, twice in the last, since January 6th and before January 6th, four times, I think total the demonic spirit in that city is off the chart.

It is so dark. It is so evil. You can feel it. Yeah. As soon as I was there. All right. And my team could see it. And I was, you know, I, it took me a couple, I took me a couple of days to pray. I had to really, really pray it because it was, um, it affects you physically. It affects you spiritually. It, you know, it was doing, I mean, it, it knew I was there to.

I was there to say some stuff and they didn't want me to say, uh, and I had a job to do. Like I said, it wasn't just a prayer breakfast. There was a lot of other things that I didn't know that the Lord wanted me there to do. Just like, you know, when we're doing these live shows or, or we're, you know, going to, you know, reawaken or we're going to all these different places.

I don't know what he wants me to do. I just know he wants me to do stuff. So If it came out to be something totally different, which is fine because that is what he wanted and everywhere we go. It is what God plans. Not what I have planned or we're not with the ministry. I said, okay, Lord, we're here. What do you want us to do?

And it was, it was fun. It was fun to take back what belongs to us and that's our freedom. This prophecy. I want to give you a couple of things, but I remember I talked about the architect. So this is from the 4th of February, this is called a great shock is coming to the United States. And I thought that was very interesting because you said there was a great shock with the whole thing with Putin.

So I'll get to those properties as well. I think, but this 1 paragraph starts out with a great shock is coming to the United States. I will show you the great architect of January 6th. I will show you the great architect behind your stolen elections. I will show you the great architect behind the world's financial system.

I will show you the architect behind your failing judicial system. Then he goes on. So that's just like four of them. I will reveal to you the architect who controls your news and your social media. This was interesting. I will show you the big fish that no one has ever caught in the act of these crimes and treason against this nation.

But I have, I will show you what they have done and I will show you who is in charge. And then of all the sex trafficking rings. All over this world, it was shocking how politics have created and fueled or, uh, created this monster and fueled it continuously. And it keeps going with the power and with the love of money.

Then he goes on to say, I will show you the, now he's talking about the architect again. I will show you the architect behind the new world order, the UN, the world economic forum. And I will show you the architect behind all the indictments. All the corruption in the land of my eagle and the nations around the world.

So I think it and I, I think I counted it when I was on live, I think it was like maybe eight architects. Like he strategically put, but then in the middle of all those architects, he's putting the big fish. You know how, even if you're doing a sting operation with, you know, uh, drug cartels. You don't want the low man on the totem pole, the one who's passing out all the drugs, you know what?

You want the big fish that supplies it all. And so he said that, I was like, well, that's interesting. So you're showing us that you're going to show us the architects, but then you're going to show us the big fish behind the architects. There's a big fish. And I was like, oh, that's interesting. Okay. And then he talked about, of course, then he said the sex trafficking rings.

And he said, how politics, he didn't just say politicians. And I, first I was like, when I was, um, dictating this out, because I write it really fast, because when the Holy ghost is talking, I'm just like, I'm trying to write as fast as I can. It's like, I have Holy ghost writing. I have to ask God to interpret those words.

Cause I can't always understand what they said, but I was like, okay, do you say politics or do you say politicians? He said, no, I said politics. I said, okay. But he said, they created this monster and fueled it and continuously keep it going with the power and the love of money. This makes them money. And then he says, of course, I'll show you the architect now.

Now, and then he put this in a different paragraph because he said the show of the architect behind the new world order, the UN and the world economic forum. That's a whole other beast. That's the globalists, these other ones, you know, the architects, I believe a big fish is part of he's an elite. He's a globalist.

He's somebody who funding and has more money than people realize that any 1 person can have. And he's feeling all of it and that big fish is being caught if he hasn't been caught already. And that big fish will tie to the 13 bloodlines,

the 13 bloodlines of Satan, literally, because that's how it works. That's how it's operating. Not only do they show us the symbols and tell us what they're going to do, but it has to be in the bloodline. Yeah. Yeah. He, uh, then he goes on and this is later on in the prophecy. So again, we're going to start hearing, and I had to pray more into these architects because I know how he, how he put that.

And he was like, and he even showed me, do you remember, I told you about the blueprints? And I'm like, well, yeah, you told me about the blueprint. I'm like, this is how awesome God is. It's like, I'm like, yeah, you told me about the blueprints. He's like, well, who makes them? I'm like, the architects do. I'm sorry.

God, you're so cool. Yep. Just like Brady Bunch, the father was an architect. Yeah. And I'm like,

He's a, he's, he's not who you're talking about, who the big fish is, but it's ironic. Do you know who in politics was called the architect? He used to work for George W. Bush. I didn't know there was one. Yeah. His nickname was the architect, Karl Rove working for George W. Bush. That was his nickname.

Everybody called him the architect, the architect, the architect. They did? Yeah. Yep. Cause he was this wizard of politics. Interesting. That is very interesting. Karl Rove, you said? Karl Rove, the Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush. I remember him. Been in on Texas politics, too, to try to take out some good Republicans here in Texas as well.

He was behind that. He was behind them going after Ken Paxson here in Texas. Really? And that's his nickname, the architect. I'm sure if you just Google the architect, Karl Rove's name would pop up. I didn't either until you said that and boom, it came to me and it had to be the Holy Spirit. Now he's not the big fish behind pulling all this, but he's, he definitely has his hands in places.

It's not supposed to be. He could be one of the architects guys. Yep. He's an architect and it's not for good. Okay. I won't say cause I'm not sure. I know I want to speculate, but I have a feeling he definitely is one of those architects, but. I'll just move on from there. I have to pray more into that one.

But one of them, one of the architects just came up to me when you said that. Um, then he says Fox News is about to be exposed in a shocking way. So watch some news reports. Regarding Fox, then in the paragraph right below it, he said more hot mics will be exposed for all to hear. More whistleblowers are coming forward with more proof on the news media and how much they are lying to you and who is telling them the scripts to read.

So more hot mics. I know there was a hot mic on, uh, I can't remember her name. The lady on I think she's on MSNBC. Oh, yeah. Uh, joyless read. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. When she's the F bombed Biden and then all of a sudden she was

so there's gonna be more of those. And then, uh, major news reports will come out exposing bill and Hillary Clinton. It is time for their fall in a major way. Now he's brought up Bill and Hillary Clinton. I don't even know how many times he even talked about all her 30, 000 emails that she thought she scrubbed and deleted and, you know, destroyed in bleach or whatever crap she did with them.

He's saying, Oh, no, I have them. And they will be exposed. And I said, okay, so I got really excited about that. So, um, nothing and, and he wanted to reiterate nothing that those two have done or anyone else for that matter. And it looks like they've gotten away with it. They have not. And there was a deeper 1 and I have to pull that out.

And I think that 1 hasn't come out yet. I think that will come out. On one of the prerecords, he says something that is shocking about, um, Guantanamo and Greenland. I have to get to that. I have to get to that part, but it's exciting. So I don't want to get ahead of myself, but he says Watergate. I say this word again.

It's not how the media made it out to be. And that architect will also be exposed big time. So then he goes on to mention another architect. Now, this architect is the one behind Watergate because Watergate was not how it looked and appeared at all. So, and he's mentioned Watergate multiple times. This is definitely not the first time he's mentioned it for years.

Last two years, I think.

He's never mentioned the architect. So he's never met. I guess that he's never mentioned the architect to me before. And now I think he's mentioned like nine, nine or 10 in this word. Then he goes out and he says that CIA whistleblowers will come out in a big way. Hold on because shocking information is coming with all that they have done against my eagle and they will all be judged and justice will be served for the treason and for the crimes and the theft.

They have committed against this nation and the world. So he has mentioned a lot about the FBI. We've already seen a lot of FBI whistleblowers. We've seen some CIA whistleblowers, but there is going to be even more CIA whistleblowers, and they are going to show all the crimes and the theft, and he said the treason.

I am in touch with two CIA whistleblowers as we speak, and what they've told me is jaw dropping. It's just, you can't That's that shock and awe. Yeah. It's shock and awe. Yeah. One of them gave me a two hour debrief lot just before we went on last time. Matter of fact, somebody saw my comments on rumble. I made a comment about you and me two weeks ago cause my face, it looked like I was concerned because I, I just got that Intel before that Wednesday show that we did two weeks ago and That is a three letter whistleblower that that shared that with me and it was just like jaw dropping When you mentioned David versus Goliath In modern day terms, us as a remnant fighting this deep state is like David versus Goliath times a zillion.

That's how big and deep and ugly it is. One of the things that when the Lord had given me a word regarding president Trump, he said that he would defeat the giants. He didn't say giant. He said giants. And again, I know he will defeat him if he's calling him as David, David defeated every single thing that he faced.

But with president Trump, he's not facing just one giant. He's facing all of them. And that's why he needs to, to, um, know the power of God and the assignment that God has for him. And then he doesn't expect him to fight this battle alone. He doesn't expect him to go up these giants by himself. He wants him to rely on him to, uh, help him fight them and get David went up.

Against Goliath, he took five stones because Goliath had four brothers. David was prepared. He was going to take them all out if he had to. I didn't know that. Yep. Yep. Goliath had four brothers. That's why David had five stones. He was prepared to take them all on that day. Do you know Lord, just bring this up to me.

Do you know how we see his You know, President Trump's boldness, and when he faces all them, and he's not a quitter, he doesn't back down, and that's the reason why it's exhausting them, because most people would have easily given up by now. Throw some, throw some money at them, blackmail them with their family or whatever, and you know, they'll go away.

He doesn't. He digs in his heels and he fights more. Well, just think about how bold and strong he is now. But just think about how bold and how strong he's going to be under the power of Almighty God. It's like what we're seeing right now is a little trickle. Of what he's going to do, just wait to see what he's really going to do through him.

It's going to be petrified. Satan knows that the demons know that, that when the manifest, the Holy spirit manifests in president Trump and what's going to happen when he comes back into office, they're fearful. They're, they're, they're panicking. They're, there's nowhere to run. They should be panicking and there isn't anywhere to run.

That's why I can't wait to get to this one. I think I, I think I pre record, I can't remember if I pre recorded this one or whatever, but, um, this is the one I think I, I can't remember. I have so many, I think this is the one I actually pre recorded today and not gave out live. I think it is. This, this is actually the one for Monday.

So people haven't heard this one, but I was going to read it out anyway. But this is not all of it. This is just a part that I've highlighted. This is interesting too. He said, a wolf is about to be exposed that has been hiding in plain sight in your government that people didn't see someone on the side of the red who is actually blue and this will not stay hidden anymore.

So a wolf who has been hiding in plain sight in our government. That people did not see they're on the side of the red right now, but they're actually on the side of the blue and it will not stay hidden anymore. So who that is, I'm not sure. He said they're hidden in plain sight. Yeah. That could be 70 percent of the Republican party.

I think it's somebody though. We think is really good when they're not, we think is good. That's why I think he said they're hiding in plain sight because he said that there was people that are even on the left. That are acting really good. You know, they're against this country. They're for Biden. They're for all this other stuff.

And really they're not because God infiltrated the infiltrators and he's got people there. So there's a, there's another prophecy that I did, uh, that I'll give out to you. It says it's called many secrets that have been hidden in that oval office are about to be exposed. So there's a, Oh yeah, there's a lot coming out, but he says, so I'll finish with this one.

Another congressman is about to be censored, one removed, and one will retire, and not because they wanted to. There has been so many people. So when the Lord told me these were the days of, uh, removals, there has been so many people that have been removed or retired or stepped down. And that was not by their own choice.

And I'm talking not just about government. I'm talking about even news media, corporations. Corporations, CEOs, they just laid off another 40 percent of the media was laid off this last week across the board, all of them, and then Disney, uh, Elon Musk got that piece about Disney out saying that Disney's gone completely woke and all the actors and all the shows that they have to do.

And remember, Disney owns ABC ESPN. So that means their whole company. I don't have that graph, but I'll show that graph later. But Elon Musk tweeted that out yesterday. Disney is gone. I didn't know that. I didn't see that one. Yeah, it came out yesterday. So, the Lord started giving me prophecies back on Disney.

I don't know if it was 2021 or early 2022. And he talked about the, first the exposure of Disney, but the collapse. Of Disney, so that's exciting to me and so he was like, so he's been talking a lot about Disney because he said they're the propaganda, what they do to brainwash people, what they're doing to cover up some of these actors, because a lot of guys have been talking about how actors have been connected to to the government.

And both ways, and Disney, you're going to find out and be, and this will be exposed. Disney is a big part of sex trafficking. Yeah. Underneath the parks. God told me that I was crazy about that. But when I was a Marine in Disneyland in California, me and my friend, uh, we're just playing around and we got in trouble and the security took us down below underneath the security station was underneath the park.

There was tunnels under there and they kind of scared us. I said, you better get your acting gear or we're going to tell your commanding officer. So we got, we got our acting gear, but we literally went under. Disneyland and the tunnels that were underneath the park, you know, you confirm that because I think he told us he told me like a long time ago and I, I had no idea.

Only reason why I knew is because the Lord told me and when he gave those prophecies about there, there are multiple different tunnels under major cities that are not typical tunnels. There's tunnels. Then he talked about, there was another one. I don't know if it's come out. Uh, maybe, I think it came out last week when I was gone in DC, but, um, he was exposing corporate America.

In a big way, and then he's mentioned certain, he's mentioned certain companies and, of course, a banking system. And there's, there's, there's a lot, but, um, corporate America, along with the government, along with Hollywood has been the, um, they're all connected to not only the coup against this country, uh, but against, uh, and with enslavery of people with sex trafficking.

And that's really hard to hear. I think I, I think I brought up to you two weeks ago about the Federal Reserve whistleblower that we have. Yep. Yep. I got a little bit more information on that whistleblower. I'm going to, I'm going to speak to them soon. Um, but what I was told over the weekend, this thing is connected to everything you just said.

It's not just the federal reserve. It's the banking system is connected to pharma. It's connected to media. It is like unbelievable spiderweb. That's how the Lord and he's going to be able to share it, expose it all. That's all connected. And he's actually says the web, the spider webs that they have weaved of deception and corruption and evil.

And he said, their empire is coming down. And he said, it's an evil empire, evil, evil regime. He's caught me. He, there are so many things that in prophecies that I have given out ones. I haven't yet. That are so detailed of what he is going to do. And then he gave me scriptures to back it up. When I was doing, like I said, when I was pre recording this one, when I just, some of the ones I shared with you and some of the scriptures he gave me, I was just like over the moon.

I was excited. I was shocked actually that I was reading, uh, what God's going to do. It's scriptural. And that's why every, every single person that, you know, when it comes to prophecy or teaching. If it doesn't line up with the word of God, you throw it out. But when it lines up with the word of God, get into the word of God, read those scriptures, and then get that revelation that God's showing you.

God's showing us, He can't show us every piece, every puzzle. He can't do that. But He surely can show us enough where, just like when He was showing me, um, with DC or even with President Trump, He was showing me, these are, this is how you have to pray. This is what you need to say. Don't just go kind of wishy washy and just say anything.

Say specifically the words that have to be spoken in every single situation and circumstance. And so he does it with a prayer to him all the time. And it's, it's, it's powerful. Even, uh, Natasha, I know she's watching. Hi, Natasha. Again, but one of the things that she was even saying the Lord had given her of what I was supposed to say with the Washington Monument.

He gave me a piece of that puzzle. And then he gave her a piece of that puzzle. Then I went off and said to it and against that. Because there's, there's things in the Washington Monument, there's things that are going to be revealed in this Washington Monument, it's going to come down, plain and simple, it's not staying there.

God sent every one of their monuments. Are going to come down and everything they've hidden in them, he's even talked about the, um, Statue of Liberty. He's oh, my gosh, I just heard about that this last week. The symbolism in the Statue of Liberty almost fell out of my chair. When I saw that the Lord had talked about how evil it is.

And when I first heard this, I will have to tell you, this was, this was early to 2022. I, it brought tears to my eyes. Because I look at Statue of Liberty, you know, I've never seen it in person, but I, you know, I look at it in pictures and I think that that, you know, that was a symbol of America. Yeah. Symbol of freedom.

That was a symbol where, you know, people go to Ellis Island when they came over from other foreign nations. And it was just like, it was just so like the American dream. And when the Lord was revealing these things to me, it, it, it like a punch in my gut. Am I really supposed to say this? Because people are, one, people may not accept what you're saying, Lord, about, he's like, it doesn't matter if they accept it or not.

They have to hear it. They have to know the truth. He is bringing that thing down and he will show what it stood for and he will show us what was hidden inside. That's fascinating because this is demonic Trojan horse is what that is. Well, that goes along with the word. Yep. I exactly felt like a punch in the gut when I was told that and then I was shown the symbolisms of every piece of that.

And I was like. You've got to be kidding me. I had no idea. He hasn't shown me everything. All I just know is is he said that there was symbolisms. There was markings. Um, he, oh, he has blasted the masons for sure. Uh, he, he did talk about the masons when it came to, um, Statue of Liberty. I'm pretty sure I'm one of them.

I'd have to go back. I haven't read them in a couple of years. Those ones. Well, when you went to the FBI building right in the cornerstone or the FBI building, they, they don't even try to hide it. It's built by the masons. It says it right on the plaque at the FBI building. See, I drove by that one. I didn't actually walk on that one.

And so when you went to the Washington monument, did you look down into the grids? You know, those black grids that call around, you can literally see into the tunnels. I knew that. Try to hide it. I will tell you, there were certain places that I walked. And, um, you can, it's hard for me to describe this spiritually, but Washington monument, I wanted to cry and I knew I had a job to do and I knew I couldn't, but you can feel the children,

the, the torturing, the, you can feel that demonic power that's there. That's doing it. The white house, there's so much about that place. It's so far beyond, you know, even who's the resident. There now, and there's, there's tunnels under the white house and I personally know Marines that were under the, uh, under the white house and they arrested somebody back in maybe 20, 20, 18 or so around 2018 there when president Trump was the president, um, they arrested a bad guy.

Marines did on end tunnels underneath the white house. Uh, and there's another place we went, we went to the Supreme court building. I think that one. Made me almost physically sick to my stomach and we were walking up to the stairs. We didn't go up the, you know, the big stairs. We were just going up to the platform, you know, where there's a, just a couple of stairs.

And then there's the, the 2 flags and there was, um, some capital police. So I didn't go over on that side. I stayed away from him so I could pray, but, um, there was, I looked over and where the flag is, there's. I saw like a monument, you know, I was like, what is that? So I went over to it and it was children, children kneeling and one had like a blindfold.

I, I looked, I looked at my CEO and I was like, I can't even believe what I'm seeing right now. I said, they have little children and

it was so evil. Then there was one that was holding a face. It looked like a Greek God, he was holding it like his hand. I can't, I, that is what got me and I, and I was like, this is, this type of symbolism is going up to our Supreme Court children and kneeling in the way they were sitting in our Supreme Court.

It was so appalling. I didn't even know at that point. I looked at it. I'm like, and my CEO said the same thing. It made her almost physically, her stomach was churning. So we started praying, of course, against it. And I didn't leave until I felt I could. But when I saw that, I said, Lord, even even driving into D.

C. from Virginia, you know, like you have the Arlington Cemetery behind you and you're, you know, driving over the bridge. And if you look up. The statues, I think the first 2 are like the eagles on this side, and then you get to the entrance of DC on the other side of the bridge. It's just so many disgusting statues.

I could not even look at them. They're just gross. I can't, I'm like. This is demonic symbolism. And it's right in front of our face. Yep. The whole entire property doesn't belong to this country, but somehow our nation's capital is located in it. Doesn't make sense. Needs to be bulldozed. Oh yeah. Yeah. And it's hard because some of the architecture looks beautiful.

You know, I, I thought that that's another thing that hit me really hard when the Lord told me about what's going to happen to DC because I'm like, you know, When you think of this country, you think of the white house, you think of the Supreme Court, you think of the Capitol bill, you think of these things that are in our Capitol.

And now you look at you're going, they're symbols. Their symbolisms were right in front of face and they're laughing at us going, you're too stupid to figure it out. Just like that one guy that came over the border. You're too stupid to know who I am. The terrorist. Yeah, exactly. That's what they do every day.

It's like, you know, Biden or Obama. Yeah, I would love to have a third, third term where I can sit in my basement and have it, you know, earphone in my ear or, you know. Like, Oh, so you're telling us that you're going to have a third term and you're telling us you're going to sit in your basement. You're going to tell us you, you got, you know, something in your ear to tell Biden what to say.

Okay. We got it.

It's just, it's so bad. And I loved how CNN, okay. CNN is crumbling to the ground because God again said that they were, that was what, that was the first news station that he told me that were falling and they were the first one. He told me that back in 2021 and, uh, One of them, I can't remember the guy's name because I don't pay attention to that.

I don't care. But he said, cause this was a prophecy. He said that Biden needs to go hide in his basement. Yeah. I remember that. That was the campaign. That's exactly what happened. Well, this was just this, this was just for this time, the 2024, he shouldn't be campaigning. He should be hiding in his basement like it in 2020 because he doesn't, he doesn't bring confidence.

They said that about their own president. I'm like, these people are ridiculous. It's hilarious. I absolutely love it. I absolutely love it. But they're okay. So remember how I talked to you? I got to find this one. Um, because I have 3 screens right here, but remember how God was, he's talking about Guantanamo Bay a lot.

Actually, he's, um, talked about trees and he's talked about tribunals. He's mentioned all these things. I got to find the right, the right prophecy here. Uh, but he specifically said something that was very interesting that I wanted to share on the show. Because, um, Oh, this is the part. This is from January 24th of 2024.

He said, it's called the coup against the nation is unraveling. The coup against this nation is unraveling. This is the one I gave out this morning. I've done so many in the last two days. I don't remember all of them. Anyway. All right. So he, he's talking about the virus. Now I actually now, cause God, he's talking about that they're going to bring out viruses.

He kept saying virus as I was actually on the phone with a doctor yesterday who said they were actually going to unveil 10, which shouldn't shock any of us. I mean, to be realistic, because God said they were going to do 10 years worth of damage in one year to try to stop the election. So that to me is a virus every year, which would make sense.

But again, nothing to fear, but I had this prophecy on one 24 and this was recorded. So this was proof. Obviously I talked to this guy yesterday, but this is something that God said, and he's been saying it for two years now, but he said, uh, let me go back to see. I will show you the enemies. Well, not have their way.

They will not do what they want to do against this nation. They will not do what they want to do with this virus. I'll expose, expose, expose. And then he says, who is bringing on the virus is on. I will show you every single 1 of their places. They cook these things up in their laboratories. I will show you there are bio weapons.

I am showing you and I'm telling you, and I will show you where all they stored it in. Or all they stored it. He says, I'm telling you, I've told you my children before, I'm telling you again, their bio labs are everywhere. Their bio labs are everywhere. So it's not just one place. They try to hide in different nations all over the world and they try to, and they have used your taxpayer money to fund it.

Then he goes on to say, they use your taxpayer money to hide it. I'm exposing every president that was a part of it. So there's, that's not just the Biden. Then he says, I'm exposing every single one, all the governments all throughout the world. There was a part, they had a part of these bio labs and all of these weapons of warfare, those bio weapons of warfare to bring upon destruction upon the earth.

Well, then he goes on later on in this one and he says, um, Judgment is here. Judgment is here. He says it twice and you will start to see more of them fall, fail and fall, fall and fail over and over again. I will show you where all of them are going and where some have already been. So some are going.

There to this place that he's going to mention and some have already been there. I will show you. I will show you what's going on in Guantanamo I will show you what's going on in Greenland. I will show you what's going on in many places So there's just more than Greenland and Guantanamo. I'm showing what's going on in many places You had no idea where military was involved the greatest coup that has ever been done against this nation is about to be Unraveled, but I thought that was very interesting how he said where some of them have gone and where others are going.

And then immediately he goes into Guantanamo and Greenland and then other places. So remember when president Trump said, ah, gee, I should buy Greenland and everybody thought he was crazy. He knew exactly what he was talking about. That's, that's the facility in green. That's where the really, really bad ones go is Greenland because Gitmo is in Cuba, obviously, but you could, you could take a tactical weapon and knock that out if you wanted to.

So Greenland, you can't, it's way underground. I thought when, um, he, cause he's mentioned Guantanamo quite a bit. He's mentioned Greenland quite a bit. So I think that's the reason why we talked about one of the first times we talked about Greenland, because it was in a prophecy and you're just like, yeah.

Do you remember? And I didn't remember at that time what Trump had said about it. Um, but I thought that was interesting, but again, where some of them have already gone, that's the key people have already been there. And people that we wouldn't expect. Have already been there. Um, and of course Greenland.

And then he said, there's other places. So I don't know the other places he didn't, he didn't brought up the Antarctic. Oh yes. He has brought their an hour because we've talked about it. Yeah. That's another spot. So there's a lot of people. So. There are people he told me that they have been judged already that people don't know about because there's there's people in their positions and in their place that look like them when they're not really them because we've talked about that before people in masks and stuff and playing parts and how hollywood is majorly involved in how or hollywood is majorly involved in uh the government so of course you can see even with the biden and how bad that acting is and how He this person is literally falling apart.

He's falling apart before our eyes. God said it over two years ago I think he said he said it in 2021 in December 2021 He talked about you would know the fall of the Biden because you would see his cognitive decline and his functionality So bad, even the news media can't hide it anymore. So first it was Fox was talking about it Now you even see CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and all of them.

Now they're talking about it. And now they're questioning and keep poking that. Well, you know, like they asked, I don't know who would ask Gavin Newsom. I can't remember who was interviewing him. Yeah. Kamala. They're going to get rid of both of them. Just watch. The Lord already talked about it. And those corrupt media, they, they went down to the border just last week.

And you know, the Eagle pass area that they, we had, there was a revival there. Uh, it was supposed to be a January 6th. People thought it'd be a January 6th, uh, set up. Yeah. Many truckers from 24 or 25 different states down there to pray. And um, we have a source on both sides of the border. We have a reporter that does the United States and does Mexico.

We're going to show video, uh, in the next couple of days of the Mexican government working with our government to take the caravan of people and take a reroute them so that when CNN and CBS came to that event, they can say, and they did, nobody's coming across the border. This is all blown up. Well, we know they redirected them and the Mexican government did that.

Wow. Well, yeah. Wow. Laura's talked a lot about our southern border and about how they were going to get caught in the act in many different ways. And, um, he, he's revealing it to us and I, and again, unfortunately, this country had to get uncomfortable, uh, for a lot of people to start crying out for justice because we were putting up with so much, we were putting up with so much crap.

We didn't need to put up with. With our government and with the law and with what they were doing and we needed to all wake up call and just like when we saw, um, it was over the over the weekend or last week when, um, those cops were beat up because we were praying for him. Those police officers that were beat up.

And those thugs came out of that. They were released from Alvin Bragg, released them, and they were flipping off the camera. So arrogant. You beat up two officers of a lot. That was me and you, we would never see the light of day again. No, they were released within hours without bail. And then they were caught doing something and they caught him in Arizona.

And they arrested him again.

People in New York, the Lord has given tons of prophecies regarding New York City. Tons. He talked about the fall of the governor. He talked about the fall of the mayor. He talked about the fall of the D. A. there. He talked about the, I mean, the truth, the exposure in this city. But that city, a lot of the city, not everyone, but a lot of the city was against God.

Evil was controlling that city and everyone knows it. That's why I, I never really had any intention of ever going there. I mean, really, I mean, I never really thought I was going to go to DC either. God changed my plans, but I did, you know, but it, you know, with New York. There is a, um, there's tunnels there, there's corruption there.

And I believe that the start of our nation and the corruption started in New York. Um, we're going to start seeing a lot of exposure and a lot of people start rising up. There's a lot of people that needed to resist, but it took their kids getting kicked out of schools. It took the government instead of paying and helping the homeless.

And what makes me so angry is they're not willing to help veterans. That are homeless, that are, they have PTSD and they're struggling, but you're willing to pay 9, 000, giving them credit cards or debit cards or whatever the stupid cards are giving them, you're giving them free homes, you're kicking people out.

There was a place in Chicago, I watched this and I just started tearing up because they had health centers that were closed because due to, they didn't have any funding. They had schools that were closed because they didn't have any funding. Always everything. But all of a sudden, a couple of months later, illegal immigrants are there and there's enough funding for them.

And I said, but you guys want to the sanctuary cities. Now it took you having to deal with a sanctuary city to wake you up, start realizing these people are not for you. They're against you. But there's going to be a lot of corruption exposed in New York City. This is, we have not seen anything yet in New York.

And I think that's why we're seeing a lot of the stuff with president Trump in New York. Um, also, but it's going to boomerang back on these people. They don't realize it's not even just against what they're doing against president Trump. It's been what they've done against this nation in New York City.

He's going to do a rally in Brooklyn, uh, president Trump, I think in the next couple of weeks, that that's going to be a really, really cool because people are waking up all Latinos, African Americans, they, they see what's going on and people are now realizing why the illegals are coming in this country.

There's already starting to vote in certain primaries. That's their plan. Use these illegals to replace jobs, but more importantly, to get them to vote for their particular party. And I want to warn everybody watching this. I, this message got to president Trump yesterday. I had cash Patel on. This is very concerning because this is what they're trying to do.

There's a movie called God and country. Have you heard that yet? It's made, uh, it's produced by Rob Reiner. Meathead, who is a known atheist, but he's calling the movie God and country and he's taking well known, uh, Christian, uh, pastors and they're coming out to say that Jesus would welcome everybody in and we're, we're just, we're anti law and this, this, uh, this Christian nationalists are, are, are, are a problem and Jesus wants them all to come in and these are well known figures and I'm told they're being paid and the only reason they're doing this is they want to divide it.

The vote of the church for, for whoever that candidate is to win. It's coming out in two weeks.

God has been, uh, having the team pray for our prayer team, pray for unity. And he's been specifically saying about uniting the body of Christ, uniting this country. We have seen a great divide in the body of Christ. He gave a prophetic word that I, um, I think it was the one that will come out. I can't remember which day, I'm sorry.

I've done too many in the last two days, but, um, he talked about the destruction of the church and how they deceived the church, manipulated the church into being weak and into being, um, enslaved without them realizing it. Blind to the truth of what was really going on because they know, and they made God's power.

Of no effect to them because of their man made doctrines in religious tradition, you know, we, as a body of Christ, we're not supposed to be tearing each other apart coming up. God, first of all, if God's going to correct somebody, he's going to correct somebody in love. He's not going to be nasty about it.

It's better. Now, when it comes to the enemies of almighty God, he will talk a different way. Then when he talks to a child in love, say, God, to correct them. And you have people that are coming out that are extremely nasty and I'm like, God wouldn't do that. And you know what? And what these people are doing.

God loves everyone. Of course he does. Of course he loves everyone. He loves the sinner, hates the sin. He doesn't wish that any man perish. That's why even though we shouldn't be, so he had to specifically pray when it comes to the people across the border, because there's innocent people coming across that border.

There is, this is a Trojan horse because there's people that are in military in specific other nations that are coming here to start a war in our nation, terrorists. That's what they're there. That's what they're there for. They're not only trying to divide the body of Christ now, unify the body of Christ.

That's their key because Satan knows the power of almighty God. He also knows the power of unity. He knows the power of God's people being in one accord. Look what happened in Acts when they were all in one accord. Look what happened in the upper room. He knows the power of God's people. And so if he can weaken, deceive, distract, he can destroy the body of Christ.

And that's why instead of us fighting amongst ourselves, we're supposed to fight the common enemy, which is not each other, which is our adversary. I don't understand how people don't see that. It's, it's appalling to me. You're falling for the trap of the enemy. It's so that's why we have to keep praying for unity and keep praying that every single one of these things of propaganda that are trying to turn us against each other.

It's like, you know, with, you know, the church having to welcome the LGBTQ and all this guys. God doesn't say welcome sin. Now, Jesus accepted a harlot. He loved her. He forgave her of her sin. He didn't accept the fact that she, well, you know, was a sin and she would go, he was okay with it. He accepted her and forgave her of what she did.

So we can't, you know, cut everyone out and say, you know, you're just this, this side, no, I'm going to pray for you to be free from what you're being deceived in. I love people that, you know, are in that community. I don't love what they're doing. I don't accept what they're doing. But they're God's people.

They're God's creation. He loves them. So we have to pray that they awake out of that and they come into what God is saying. He loves them. He doesn't want them destroyed. And this is another way of deceiving God's people. He loves them. I love them. We should all love them. We don't hate anyone, but we can't accept a sin, which is an abomination to God in the word.

I can't accept it. I can accept a person. I just can&

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