If Houses Burn but Trees Do Not, is it Really a Forest Fire? & Yes, DEW and Laser Weapons are Being Used Against the American People

1 year ago

Video by Forensic Arborist Robert Brames mashed up with article by Malika Freeman and Comments by Etienne de la Boetie2

Etienne Note: Hat tip to Tim from the Funky Fathers who sent this excellent video with massive evidence of Directed Energy Weapons being used to start forest fires in California. What the video doesn't really address is: Why? Why would the U.S. Military OR Foreign Militaries OR Military Industrial Complex companies using weapons developed on the dime of the tax slaves be burning down homes in California, Hawaii and other places? There are a variety of reasons but the two main potential reasons are: 1. What is known as a "Disaster Capitalism" - The ability to profit from engineered disasters by scooping up land destroyed for pennies on the dollar that would have otherwise been more expensive or not for sale at all. There is much evidence and speculation about this especially in the Maui fires: Metger Search: https://metager.org/meta/meta.ger3?eingabe=DEW%20and%20Hawaii%20and%20%22Disaster%20capitalism%22&focus=web&mgv=24cdb78125d2da5b0bf126c863ec19de&ua=1

Read Entire Document HERE: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/if-houses-burn-but-trees-do-not-is?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1300612&post_id=141827150&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=x2sr&utm_medium=email

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