Wk#9 of Winter....Growth & germinating...gaining momentum of Potential & Clarity!

10 months ago

The Storm is here!!!

So….What’s going on in the outer Garden & our Inner garden?

This Winter We’ve been working through the 5 “R”
- re’Couperate
- re-Energize
& re-Imagine…
along with Musings & Considerings of all our Dreams & ideas….

As this process is happening…. as we start to re-Frame…
…the roots of those Dreams/Ideas begin to stregenth & coalesce into Collections of potential…and within the very nature of this process it begins to develop Clairty & Structure ….like a seed or plant… full of potential for the growing year ahead!

The Swelling & Budding up… Expanding… Flowing Energy into the tender growth points..breaking ground gently but steadily… peaking out …pushing tender new shoots out of the moist fertile soil… feeling the temperature… germinating into the new re-imagined Clear Seed-Ideas…

The developing of structured forms in anticipation of a fresh new Growing Season… Germinating into full Potential for this NEW Season’s Glorious & Abundant Harvest of our own Special Fruits & Flowers.

All this is Colessing our Clarity!!!
And learning how we naturally move & flow forward in our special unique experiences & Creations!

I love this idea because the sense & feeling of Structure to the Dream gives way to the actual creation of it!… giving birth! Sprouting of the seed of potential…
Yin & Yang if you will!…. Dreamer & Doer…Balance!
With out the Doing the Idea/Dream can not become reality!
No seed, no plant!

Hey thanks for stoping by and being part of this Seasonal Growth Journey!

If you feel moved to share where YOU are in Week #9 of Winter …join in on the conversation…
After all……
we are a collection of Great Wisdoms so….lets share it with each other so we can all grow together!

Wishing you Love, Health & Beauty in your journey back to yourself through the eyes of a Gardner & Nature Lover!

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