Rainer Zitelmann and "Unbreakable Spirit" David R., Dr. Michael Schwartz with "Fauci's Fiction"

1 year ago

This Week: Kimberly Bonati, Ethan Youker and Spine surgeon Alfred Bonati, M.D., discuss a new book that details how people with disabilities accomplish extraordinary milestones that are seemingly impossible to people without disabilities. Rainer Zitelmann highlights some stories from, "Unbreakable Spirit."
Then, David's sciatica pain was so severe he could hardly get out of bed for work. After the exclusive Bonati Spine Procedures, he‘s enjoying his active Florida lifestyle with his dog, Mia. And, nearly four years after the disastrous handling of COVID-19, the evidence of Government and Mainstream Media lies is piling up. Dr. Michael Schwartz sets the record straight on media misinformation in his new book, "Fauci's Fiction."
(Original airdate 2-17-24)

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for the Bonati Spine Procedures, please visit: askbonati.com or call (855) 267-0482
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