Michael Moore: Obama Worse Than Bush Destroying Our Civil Liberties (But Trump is Hitler!)

7 months ago

“At the moment a lot of people think the NDAA does not look scary. But this sort of thing never looks scary at the start. But the American people will rue the day if they do not stop this,” Moore told the Guardian in an interview after the hearing.

Obama “puts this face on it that makes it difficult. It was much easier when the face was Bush,” he continued. “We have to work and speak out against the Obama administration and everything they are doing to destroy civil liberties.”

Moore supported Obama in the 2008 election, but was more reluctant to give the president his favor in last year’s election. The NDAA is viewed by detractors as a continuation of Bush-era politics, and Moore suggests that liberals ignore the law due to Obama’s popularity. “If the American people understood this, I do believe they would be very, very concerned about it,” Moore said.

Full Article: https://atlantablackstar.com/2013/02/08/michael-moore-accuses-obama-administration-of-destroying-civil-liberties/


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