The stripling warriors - David A. Bednar - And a few personal thoughts in the description

10 months ago

Any time I ask someone what their solution is to the problems of this world, and our country, I usually get a response that involves someone else doing things instead of them. For instance, "we all need to do X, Y, or Z", or "we need someone to be the next Captain Moroni". These solutions do not solve anything. These solutions give an answer without personal responsibility. The answer is within us. The answer is us. Not necessarily as a fighting force sending physical blows towards the enemies of righteousness, but instead as a spiritual fighting force, going forward to battle against the evils of this world with the spiritual strength we all have. At least, this is the way I see the fight. I do know others will disagree with me but this is the path I have chosen.

The stripling warriors, the small band of righteous fighting men who are honored by this group's name, had a different approach.

"The stripling warriors in the Book of Mormon (see Alma 53; 56–58) prayed earnestly that God would strengthen and deliver them out of the hands of their enemies. Interestingly, the answers to these prayers did not produce additional weapons or an increased number of troops. Instead, God granted these faithful warriors assurance that He would deliver them, peace to their souls, and great faith and hope for their deliverance in Him (see Alma 58:11). Thus, the sons of Helaman did take courage, were fixed with a determination to conquer, and did go forth with all of their might against the Lamanites (see Alma 58:12–13). Assurance, peace, faith, and hope initially might not seem like the blessings warriors in battle might want, but they were precisely the blessings these valiant young men needed to press forward and prevail physically and spiritually."

- David A. Bednar, The Windows of Heaven, General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 2013

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