Todd Callender -The LEGAL Status of those injected!

1 year ago

Attorney Todd Callender has been using the phrase for several months during interviews about the uncertain legal status of victims who have been injected with the bioweapons known as Covid-19 vaccines.

Homo borgiensis describes a new species of human potentially created by the mRNA injections, to the extent that reverse transcription alters the genomes of the victims and their gametes and off spring through biochemical processes.

… On the legal side, homo borgiensis relates to the June 13, 2013 US Supreme Court ruling in Association for Molecular Pathology et al v. Myriad Genetics Inc.

In the Myriad case, SCOTUS affirmed that genetically-altered living organisms become the legal property of the holders of the gene-tech patents used to do the alteration. For the mRNA/DNA/nanotech injections, the patent holders are some combination of US government/Department of Defense and globalist pharmaceutical corporations.

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