Biden Has Been Around So Long…He's Running Against The Son Of A Man He Was Plagiarizing 35 Years Ago

7 months ago

We're PRETTY sure RFK Jr. didn't mean to give the Biden administration up since it sounds like he is trying to defend Biden and give him the benefit of the doubt even though he has been denied Secret Service protection. By the Biden administration. So maybe he did mean to? After all, it does sound like he is calling out the shadow president … Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr: “During the 35 years that I’ve known Joe Biden, he’s always demonstrated his core decency. He has shown his affection and esteem for my family by displaying a bust of my father in the Oval Office. I suspect that the White House decision to deny me Secret Service protection — and many other more important decisions — are being made, not by the President himself, but by the anonymous men in lanyards who now seem to be running our government.”

Hrm, who are these anonymous men in lanyards? Who do they really answer to because we know it ain't Biden? Pretty sure we all know who is making the real calls these days and it ain't the old racist guy with too much Botox in his forehead. Responses to his post have been … interesting. -- “That’s funny because 35 years ago he was plagiarizing your father.” -- “I'm saving this for when people tell me they're going to vote for you because you're an "alternative". "Always demonstrated his core decency" you say? Was that in-between the racism, the plagiarism, and the all out lying? Or while murdering US citizens with Obama? Hilarious.” -- “I stopped reading after "core decency." Anyone who thinks Joe Biden has demonstrated one iota of core decency is either ignorant or lying.”

So, thinking we can all agree there isn't much 'core decency' when it comes to Biden and maybe RFK Jr. misspoke BUT we can't help but think this was his way of pointing out Biden isn't in charge. Without, you know, actually pointing it out? Interesting.

Twitchy: *POPCORN* Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says Quiet Part About WHO is Actually Running the Country Out LOUD

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