DO NOT Watch or Listen; Just Shut Up, Die Quietly! Or, Start Spreading Truth!

11 months ago

The linked 23-minute video will shockingly answer the above two questions presented by Dr. David Martin. Please, for the good of mankind, please watch and reply. Additionally, if you agree with me, we need to admonish and insist that Congress and the executive branch get us out of both the WHO and the UN.

Here's the link:

Posted onto Truth Social and Facebook and Twitter and after reloading unto Frank will post there as well! I had previously posted Dr. David Martin on my Rumble Account, but I only have 250 subscribers. We try to get the truth out!

The EU, portions of our USG, United Nations, and WEF are all guilty of depopulation and Ill gotten gains and their secret society and demonic endeavors! Not sick, Demonic!

David has been squelched by YouTube, Twitter, facebook, All Main Stream Media and practically all Social Media, Google has others popping up before you see Dr. David Martin’s posted, news, truth, Warning, and accusations of Truth in the supposedly CABAL, Deep State, Illsickonaties, Masons, and high Demonic Stooges of Satan Ploy to kill you and your family and the idiots being used by The Devil willingly or wantingly falling for the short false glory till eternal damnation hold their eve4lasting Spirit Forever! Yes, hell is real and you do not just burn up once, it if forever and ever and forever! There is Only One Way, The Love of God through His Son Jesus Christ, the Only One that Died for You! Only You have the Power to invite Him, Your Savior and Creator God into you life and Heart! Hebrews 9:27

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