George Hunt – The Man Who Saw The Future – UN Treaty Plans of a NWO in 1992 – Removing Sovereignty

11 months ago

*It all was in Motion back in 1972 and has been expanded on each year.

The UNCED Earth Summit Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - June 1 - 12, 1992.

UNCED = United Nations Committee for Environment Development -- the Logo a hand holding the World with the words "In Our Hands."

No, not "OUR" hands, "THEIR" hands. This is when they felt completely comfortable in flat out telling their Agenda to control the entire planet to all Nations. That means they already thought they had enough control, now they needed to establish Treaties with the Nations of the World to go along with their agenda.

Are you In or are you Out, so to speak. Of course, those in were promised wealth and power for their families in their nations and regions, those who were not in, they would do everything they could to remove their power and wealth.

This was a pure Power Grab Plan to establish a New World Order under one government and one religion. These are the people who manufactured the Holocaust and purposely creating Wars and Massive Debts with Nations to bring them under their control.

These guys are a Mafia of Evil Criminals. They include the Rothschild's and the Rockefeller's -- Bank Financing and Energy - control both of them worldwide and you have a foolproof plan to force Treaties that otherwise would make no sense.

This is George Hunt who attending some of their meetings and he immediately saw through their smokescreens and bullsh*t.

They make up these plans about "improving" the environment and they enact the Banks to be the Engine of this "movement." These UNCED meetings began in 1972.

A key figurehead in this movement was Maurice Strong, an oil man from Canada.

They used Maurice Strong to launch a new era of "International Environmental Diplomacy." All that this means is he helped establish bogus rules, regulations, decrees and laws related to managing the environment that is a very key piece of the NWO Agenda to take the power AWAY from the People and place it in their HANDS.

Cecil Rhodes, had the vision of a one world order in the 1800's - you probably heard of the "Rhodes Scholarship." That guy.

They regard the "normies" as Cannon Fodder - meaning nothing but Worthless Expendable Property.

These are the views of the "elite" running the sh*t show we see today. They are nothing but evil criminals and thieves working together to steal money in the form of taxes -- controlling the government and laundering money that is supposed to be used for the people paying taxes, but ends us in their pockets. I.E. - sending money to Ukraine, just a scam. Starting and Funding Wars - a scam to put money in their pockets. Their focus is how they can make money off of the people and keep the people in a cage, not even knowing that they are in a cage.

We need to wake up and realize that we are the "Cannon Fodder." These are the ones who CONTROL ALL Big Pharma. It's NEVER about health. It's ALWAYS about money.

They want to reduce the "Cannon Fodder" to about 500 million.

The Treaties signed with the UN SUPERCEDE National Laws.

The WHO has a treaty coming up that will put ALL of National Health Emergencies in their hands. This is removing any National or State Powers and placing it in the hands of Foreigners.

People need to just wake up and realize this is happening right now with NO resistance from our idiotic paid for politicians. If they don't hear the people complain, they are too damn dumb to even realize they are being used -- they are what the elite call "Useful Idiots", too stupid to know what is really going on and they buy anything they criminals have to sell then they resell it to us as their own. That is a true Useful Idiot.

They get people like Trump to play the good guy role. Trump is in on this plan 100%. He is one of them. He is in the Club, he knows the plan and his views are that we are Cannon Fodder. But he has to be the ultimate deceiver to provide hope to the idiots who buy the various narratives being spread that he is this ultimate white hat warrior working on draining the swamp.

That is the role he is playing. It is an ACT. It is a MOVIE script all these career criminals are following. They are taking orders from the Script Writers and the Directors of this movie.

Remember when Trump called himself "The Father of Vaccines?" "I guess, in a way, I am the Father of Vaccines."

Oh, but he was talking about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Yeah he was and he also put devices that would change the frequencies on the 5 G towers.

NO, no, no. Wake up People. They are about to put this thug, who is bought and paid for back in.

Does it really matter. NO. They are directing the show, they are the writers of the show and they can delete scenes, add scenes or create new ones at the last minute.

BOTH Sides are on the SAME side. Dem vs Rep = Control of the People.

Until we wake up and begin telling these thugs that they work for us and not the New World Order, nothing will change.

The military isn't going to be the savior and for sure 100% Trump won't have anything to do with it.

These thugs introduce bills that are NEVER even challenged. They are NEVER held accountable.

We need to begin on our district representatives and begin telling them that we are aware of what is going on and we will not take it anymore.

It's all about Health and Saving the Planet right?

The same ones running this Environmental Bullsh*t are the one spraying the Chemtrails and promoting Glyphosate and changing the DNA of our Food.

Then they blame us for destroying the environment.

Climate Change is an Edmond De Rothschild plan that was initiated in 1972 and expanded at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in 1987.

It's a scam. Pure and Simple. A Plan to reduce population to make the Environment more Sustainable.

George Hunter saw this coming back in 1992 as did many others like Jordan Maxwell, John David Van Hove, Bill Cooper, Ron Gibson, Dr. John Coleman, John Quade and others.


SOURCE: Karibala eyes --



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