Intent Meditation for Reiner - Feb 19, 2024

1 year ago

Intent Meditation for Reiner. The intent:
Our intention is: Reiner's performance is obvious and is appreciated. All witnesses and authorities involved in the trial and all those present in the courtroom act in an atmosphere of absolute impartiality.
There is also another intent:
We are sending so much care love support to both Reiner and Inka. The intent: that they can feel all this care love and support.
Finally, bcause the 2 court dates have again been cancelled, due to Reiner’s attorney (who was already ill last week), we send the intention that all further court dates go smoothly, with (again) the main intention:
Our intention is: Reiner's performance is obvious and is appreciated. All witnesses and authorities involved in the trial and all those present in the courtroom act in an atmosphere of absolute impartiality.
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