⚠️WARNING message to the prophets ⚠️

7 months ago

Message to the prophets.

This is difficult to share.

It's not a popular message. It's difficult.

Do not take offense, but in the fear of the Lord, listen & hear. There is a bit of time left.

God is reaching out to you, beloved chosen. A close circle can be good, but can sometimes become stale bread.

God's family of true believers...are outside the circle.

Fresh spiritual air is what I hear.

The living Word is at work, not destroy, but save.

It's not too late. God said he's doing a new thing.

I see a boat in a canal. I see it going out into the sea. I see a boat more fitted for the open sea. If one does not change boats & God takes you to the sea but you refused to change over to the boat God provided you & you stay in what you know & are comfortable in and the sea rages & storms, all may be lost. But if one steps out of their comfort zone & embraces the new unknown more fitted vessel for where God is going to take & what he's taking you through, then, you may be saved.

It's never comfortable to change but necessary nonetheless.

God isn't calling you out to destroy you but to save you.

Take some time. Get quiet & seek his face. Humble yourselves & worship & praise him. Trust him, no other. I know you know.

The storm of spirits in this world never cease to take a vessel off course & it is easy to be blown away. I know you know this. It's a daily walk.

There is soooo much happening in the world & eternal words given today are forgotten tomorrow.

Be steadfast in your walk. Trust God. It's his favor we seek. The Lord gives & takes away. Blessed is the name of the Lord.

God is moving. Are you willing to move with him or be lost for the sake of the comforts present?

Why did the Hebrews go to Egypt if it wasnt for food & instruction/direction by God to move & be sustained?

Why didn't they leave Egypt if it wasn't because they had grown comfortable in the temporal land of plenty?

Egypt was a temporal land of plenty in those days but it wasn't the promised land of milk & honey of God.

They had to move. God said go home. But they didn't go & became entrapped/enslaved.

Then God delivered them, but they moaned & complained during their delivery. And God closed the door to that generation & they parished in the wilderness never entering the promised land "home".

God is working here beloved. Simply do the next right thing prayerfully considering it by his Word in his spirit.

I'm at your service.

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