Feb '24 Brainstorm: Glaser & Wilkens on the spying, frying and coercing Wireless Gulag & Digital ID

11 months ago


Why Tech Is the Biggest Game in Town, and How to Avoid the Wireless Gulag

with Guests:

●Greg Glaser, Esq., NHF Attorney, Counsel at Physicians for Informed Consent, and litigation attorney for Children’s Health Defense, on the transhumanist nightmare emanating from the surveillance state.
●Odette Wilkens, Esq., General Counsel, Wired Broadband, Inc., on Congress’ bills to carpet our neighborhoods, parks, and farms with antennas – with ZERO informed consent – that will spy on, fry, and coerce behavior, trapping us in the Digital Gulag.
Co-hosted by NHF President & General Counsel Scott Tips, J.D., NHF Lobbyist Charles Frohman,
and NHF Media Manager Terri Harrah


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(1) It’s said that the coming Wireless Mesh will spy on, fry, and coerce humans – creating a dystopian digital gulag. While Mr. Glaser has helped NHF grow its influence on Capitol Hill over vaccine mandates, fraudulent science, and regulatory capture, Greg sees a much darker scheme emanating from the surveillance technology pushed by global elitists. The COVID-19 trauma created a tipping point where we all face their “Great Reset,” unless the grassroots can organize for the Great Awakening. Just what is at stake with their digital dystopia, and what are your rights?

(2) The trauma from the last Plandemic has awakened ever-larger swaths of Americans to the importance of health freedom. Activists in this movement are learning about the real epidemic – chronic disease – and how its “infection” of over half of the population stems not just from over-vaccination, but also from environmental toxins in our water, land, food, medicines, and air. Part of the pollution in the air comes from the colorless, odorless, and ever-present danger: electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation. Unfortunately, in a ginned-up frenzy to bridge a so-called “digital divide,” Telecom cronies have diverted broadband money away from safe (wired) connections, to unsafe wireless antennas. This growing wireless mesh will inundate our neighborhoods, schools, parks, and farms if more health-freedom advocates don’t cajole their politicians to connect families in a way that’s safe, not just expedient for powerful corporations and governments that seek power over our lives.

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