2/21/24 Narcissism and Worm Food "God Removes King and Raises Up Kings" part 3 S3E5p3

11 months ago

2/21/24 Narcissism and Worm Food "God Removes King and Raises Up Kings" part 3
God promises to humble the exalted, and exalt the humbled, and has provided many instances of doing such throughout time. Therefore it’s always shocking to see professed believers in political leadership who exalt themselves anyway, and who inevitably face their dramatic downfall in short order. Today on Something’s Happening Here, we take a look at Herod the Great – and two generations of his family that followed him – to gain insight as to how God responds when leaders use His name in support of wicked things. Is that happening right now? You be the judge, friends, as we discuss “Narcissism and Worm Food” on our midweek show. Welcome.

Recently President Biden held a press conference that many have labeled as a disaster for him. Something’s Happening Here will analyze it from a prophetic view this week.

Season 3 Episode 5
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