The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal – Part XVI: Depopulation – Extinction Tools (8-9)

10 months ago

This is the 16th episode of the documentary series “The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal”, created by acclaimed researchers Janet Ossebaard & Cynthia Koeter. In this series, the Cabal is fully exposed. This Sequel is not about Q, nor Trump. It is about the Cabal. It will give you info that will blow you off your socks. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, population control, etc…,all of which under your nose… Meet the Cabal

In this section, we're delving further into Extinction tool number 8: Chemtrails. Despite years of denial and mockery, governments have finally acknowledged their existence. These chemtrails release heavy metals into the atmosphere, which then rain down on us. These metals accumulate in our bodies, particularly in our brains, where they wreak havoc. Moving on to number 9 on our list: Electrosmog. Each day, we're inundated with electromagnetic radiation from wireless technology and electrical systems, with the added concern of increasing exposure from 5G networks. Curious about the effects of electrosmog on your body and mind? Brace yourself for some alarming insights in part 16!

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