Standing in Faith

7 months ago

Time and time again Jesus commended some for having Great Faith and other times He ridiculed some for their lacks of Faith... More often than not, the ones Jesus ridiculed were the ones closest to Him or atleast claimed to be the ones who knew all there was to know about The Father... And the ones He commended were the He most usually stated that "it by your faith that you are healed,,, or your son is healed,,, or your servant is healed"...
Faith in the Name of Jesus as the Son of the Most High God, is as James wrote... You say you believe in Jesus, good, even the demons believe and tremble... Even the enemies against God and us know Jesus as the Son of the Most High and tremble with fear of His presence and Name... Therefore having no choice but to submit to the mentioning of the Name of Jesus and leave a person when told...
We live in a right now and e en better, yesterday, time schedule... Where many miss out in their deliverance and healing is because they simply just give in to the lies of the enemy and just give up... Some times demons leave in an instant, or other times they try and deceive us into believing they are a major force to recon with, even though it is vain for them do so. Because they still must submit to the Authority of the Kingdom of Heaven found only to this world in the Name of Jesus... To many have walked away from their healing because it did not take place right away or over night... While many have received their healing by being patient, Praising the Lord with Thanksgiving as the STAND in the their Faith that Jesus and His Word are True... In today's world we bring in heavy equipment remove a physical mountain in a matter of time... Yet through Faith in a matter of time, Jesus can bring forth the deliverance healing in His supernatural authoritative way... maybe right this instance because He knows how true your faith is, or the immediate need for a miracle to take place to open the eyes and ears of others... Or maybe even after a period of time of testing your Faith as it is also written in James... We we are tempted let us not say that we are tempted of God as God never tempts us. Yet He will test us in our Faith...God tested Abraham's Faith by send him to sacrifice his only son Issac... As Abraham stepped into Faith in the Father God as being the Almighty Holy Father that He is. God spared Issac by providing a ram for the sacrifice... God was not tempting Abraham, God was testing Abraham, big difference... And faith won out and Abraham through Issac did indeed become a father of many nations with descendants as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach... Although at times we are bombarded with temptations, trials, torments, hindrances to faithfully see or deliverance and/or healing fully manifest... When we believe through faith, and persevere through, deliverance and healing will manifest...
So as it is also written in Ephesian 6 and we faithfully place on our Armor of God... And as have done all we can do through our faith... STAND... Stand in Faith, no matter how long we face the battles of the enemy... STAND... And deliverance and healing will come through your FAITH...

#faith #healing #deliverance

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