Satan, Dajjal, Gog & Magog - A Dangerous Nexus in the Current Age (End Times)!

10 months ago

My book: "Shaytan (Satan), Dajjal (Antichrist) and Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog): - A Dangerous and disastrous Nexus in the End Times!" is a
a humble and serious attempt to explain one of the difficult subjects, least discussed and generally misunderstood by the majority of humankind!

- Profiling Shaytan (Satan), Dajjal (Antichrist) and Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog) from the holy scriptures, such as Islam and Christianity
- Colorful Pictorial presentation of Maps and images for tracing Gog and Magog with special focus on "Tracing Gog and Magog" and answering critical questions about them, which majority of the humankind is ignorant!- -- Exploring the Nexus / Interconnection between these "three Evil Characters" for the awareness of humankind!
- Colorful images and quotations that speaks louder than 1000 words!- - --- ----Exposing the Dangerous Agenda (Regional and Worldwide) of this disastrous Nexus, so that humankind may be able to safeguard themselves!- - Suggestions for the humankind to safeguard themselves from the Trials and Tribulations in the on going Age of Fitan (End Times)!

Please copy the link for downloading the book:

Happy reading!

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