Ozzy Osbourne - Parkinsons Is Brutal

1 year ago

I have it too. - Tom Trefts
That’s why I do my drum videos while I still can.



The Dark Judge officially acknowledged the validity of ZetaTalk, saying in a tweet “Thank you ZetaTalk. The Judges acknowledge you.” This is significant because where Q speaks for the US Intel community, the Dark Judges speak for the UK Marines. Both work hand in hand to clean up theft of public funds, pedophile blackmail, Moloch child sacrifice, and political corruption. Just as Q has proven accurate, so has the Dark Judge.

Thus when the Dark Judge stated that VP Pence was no longer the acting VP, the Zetas expanded on that statement, including this in their March 8 Newsletter. Where this was a recognition of the validity of ZetaTalk, the compliment also was extended to the Pole Shift ning site. We are all a large team, working toward the same goals. Is it possible the time to acknowledge the reality of Nibiru is close at hand?

Then a short time later, the Dark Judge retweeted another Newsletter pointer to the February 2 Newsletter on the ning. Dance of the Doubles covered Hillary, Pelosi and Schiff, Meghan and Harry, and the Queen, showing the body Double tells in each case.

Meanwhile, the evidence of Nibiru in the skies continues. Unlike the old days when Dr. Astro (aka Phil Plait the NASA mouthpiece) ruled supreme on the GodlikeProduction forum, the Second Sun sightings have even received a pin, becoming a pinned thread. The photos blog on the Pole Shift ning continue to display evidence, primarily gathered via filtered photos which allow light in the red spectrum to dominate. Nibiru can clearly be seen, as can various Moon Swirls and String of Pearls formations.


New Planet X Videos
1.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8gXfrRg/

2.) UAP Files https://www.instagram.com/reel/C12NFHPR0v0/?igsh=bDRrZDA4N2hwMWc1

3.) Rainbow 🌈 Light Ships

1.) https://newstalk1290.com/ixp/174/p/video-captures-rare-sight-texas-sky/


1.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8cNcooh/

Best Of Vince Neil’s ( Motley Crue ) Drunken Sound Alike Live Set Lyrics

1.) Dr. Squeal Good 😌- https://youtube.com/shorts/XxNr9sl7MgM?si=cSRyyvYVSUHumrpM

Tom’s Rough Takes - No microphones 🎤, no mixing, subpar cymbals-Self Evaluation 1-10

Hunter Biden Full Color Massive Laptop 💻 Video File from Marco polo.com


1.) I Don’t Scare Easy - Tom Petty . Score 5 https://youtu.be/CXEFlr71jHM?si=_P3BOXp-QfwUiorr

2.) Run The Night - Drum 🥁 Dubber ( Detroit Cobras 🐍) by Tom Trefts ~ Flounder 🐠 Veterans Against Sneezin’ ~ https://youtu.be/Fg1KTuateZc?feature=shared

3.) ( filmed sideways ) Rolling Stones New Album Medley https://rumble.com/v3r9nh1-first-5-songs-hackney-diamonds-1st-take.html

4.) Zen And The Art 🖼️ Of Drum 🥁 Maintenance https://youtu.be/Bm0z5jHkkUo?si=dnkXn6BuGysppO3v

5.) Call Me The Breeze - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8tVfrKS/

WHO THE HELL IS GRANDPA 👴 TOM ? https://rumble.com/v3os7qh-who-the-hell-is-grandpa-tom-sumpthin-sumpthin-sumpthin.html

In Defense Of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Also Please Visit Dr. Michael Sally at Exopolitics.org

Declaration Of Military Accountability Sign Up Form
- Read the Declaration.pdf | DocDroid


Special Questions For President Donald Trump https://rumble.com/v3igfii-veterans-activist.html

Vince Neil Drunken Live Lyrics https://youtube.com/shorts/XxNr9sl7MgM?si=cSRyyvYVSUHumrpM

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