Tesla’s Time Traveling Trumps !

1 year ago

Black Swan Event


😎🇭🇰🎉 Hong Kong Stock Market Chief steps down. https://bnnbreaking.com/finance-nav/investments/hkex-ceo-nicolas-aguzin-steps-down-bonnie-chan-to-take-over/

✈️ Fits Here

So the Finma President wants to take the UBS into the "sweat box"

The financial market regulator will provide information on its lessons from the CS debacle on Tuesday. She is probably presenting new tools. A sensitive point is likely to be a future bonus ban.

- www.blick.ch/wirtschaft/lehren-aus-dem-cs-debakel-so-will-die-finma-praesidentin-die-ubs-in-den-schwitzkasten-nehmen-id19250290.html

Boycott Switzerland, the partner in genocide! – Mondoweiss

The Flood - It's coming
You will learn Switzerland funded both sides in WW1 & 2 to their deaths.
Geneva - The Head Of The Snake

ZION IS LAST- Switzerland is Last
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Asian Shipping Companies
Gibraltar & The Pacific
#PowerOutage #Gibraltar
- www.gbc.gi/news/engineers-continue-investigating-cause-significant-power-cut-affecting-marina-bay-world-trade-centre
2nd Red Castle & 3rd Red Castle.

Majority of gas stations across Iran out of service after cyberattack

Massive explosion rocked a fuel depot in the Guinea capital

They will lock out all Diesel Pumps Worldwide. They will rise fuel prices to unfathomable prices where you cannot get to work. Think of a number dumb as door knobs and you are on the right train of thought. They will stop Trains and other modes of public transport. t.me/Whiplash347/10327

Remember i also pre-warned about Lobstr going to 0 for 3 days. Do not panic. It is what it is. Rebound's like a Phoenix.


Evergreen Halted Why is this big?
Taiwanese Shipping Company owned by the Clinton's. Hillary Secret Service CodeName. 6 hrs til China Tuesday
Next shipping line
#Evergreen Marine Taiwan : Customer Advisory - Temporary suspend Israel import and export service with immediate effect -December 18, 2023 at 04:22 am EST

| MarketScreener

Cosco now too

BP says it will pause all tanker traffic through the Red Sea
Here goes, Go Fill Up. Let me guess Royal Dutch Shell next

Maersk ✅️Hapag-Lloyd ✅️MSC ✅️CMA-CGM ✅️OOCL ✅️Evergreen ✅️ Cosco✅️ BP ✅️

NEW - Taiwan detects 2 Chinese balloons crossing median line

✏️✏️✏️✏️Shipping Companies have signed up to Elon's Starlink Internet?

✏️✏️✏️✏️ they all Halt the Cables in the Suez will be cut + Gibraltar + King Charles + Pope + All Major Dams + China Taiwan + all China Targets, 2 Northern ChongQing Dams + 3GD [underwater BTC Server that controls 70%] + Wuhan Labs.
Take down of BTC & Eth Kill Events [Final Stellar Smart Contract date is here]

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UNITED STATES OF TERROR – Do You Believe that the Corrupt U.S Government & CCP China are Enemies?

They are and have been close allies for over 50 years. After Mao Tse Tung, Kissinger traveled to Beijing to open relations with the CCP.

George W Bush aka NAZI SS SHERFF also traveled to China to open international markets. The 2001 attacks were the Pearl Harbor event needed to implement plans for a new America. It was the catalyst for the Patriot Act, which is used today to attack American patriots. It was a way to hide trillions of missing dollars...


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Jon Stewart Returns To Daily Show

Tiamat - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8GH828X/

Tranny Space Force - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2jp3Mwr52k/?igsh=MTh3Zng0ZzZlNjBvNw==

What are they hiding in the vaccines 💉? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2cXHMHtbZx/?igsh=bzJoeTloYmxnbTN0

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