Disabled Teen Enters Talent Show & Gives Audience Chills With Stunning Country Cover

7 years ago

This is the heartwarming moment when 16-year-old Jared Watson, confined to a wheelchair with spinal muscular atrophy, takes to the stage to sing at his high school talent show.

The young man chose to sing 'I Told You So' by Randy Travis while his father accompanied him on the guitar. No one knew what to expect, but everyone was swept out of their feet! Check out his his mind-blowing performance!

In May 2017, a 16-year-old boy confined with a wheelchair with spinal muscular atrophy took the stage to sing at his school talent show. His father Lee accompanied him on the guitar. The young man chose to sing ‘I Told You So’ by Randi Travis and no one from the audience knew what to expect.

A grainy iPhone video taken by the audience member immediately went viral, because of his mind-blowing performance and talented voice. Jared Watson immediately gained fame and hundreds of thousands of fans, including Randi Travis himself.

Randi’s wife Mary David Travis wrote: ‘Jared, you covered Randi’s song beautifully! Just want you to know Randy teared up when he listened to it this afternoon. Great job and we hope that one day soon we can meet you - we would be honored! Keep up the fight, the spirit and the music, you are a very talented young man. God bless you and keep you in the palm of his almighty hand. Sending love and gratitude’.

Within weeks of his astonishing performance, Jared was doing talk shows and singing at various venues. He even got a call from Nashville. He has continued to impress his audience with amazing covers. On January 22, 2018, Jared introduced his latest song ‘In The Name Of Freedom’ on the mid-south audio stage for WBOC TV, and the rest as they say is history!

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