Angry Bird Annoyed By Loud Music Unplugs Speakers

7 years ago

There's always that one member in the family who never appreciates good rock music when its blasting loudly on the radio, and this grumpy Cockatiel is no exception! Laugh your tail-feathers off as this little angry bird fights back over and over again feverishly determined to shut down the loud ruckus for good. Rock is no music to bird’s ears!

Funny footage shows the hilarious moment when a picky parrot gets refutes owner’s choice of music and intervenes to cut the cord. Angry bird gets upset with the deafening loud music owner put on the laptop and makes serious effort to make it stop! He is the worst DJ we have ever seen!

This clever bird has figured out the way speakers work, so when owner plugs them into the laptop to play some rock music, the bird is quick to react and knows exactly how to make it stop!

Footage shows a bird standing on a laptop while loud music is playing in the background. The grumpy bird attempts to unplug the speakers in order to stop the awful noise coming from the laptop! It is adorable to see how this Cockatiel uses its beak to unplug the cord and stop the music!

Moments later, after the bird unplugs the cord, owner repeats the process and again plugs the cord, to which loud music continues to play on the speakers! Of course, the soft bird cannot stand the loud noise any longer, so it immediately reaches out to the cord, grabs it and pulls it with its beak, to unplug the speakers for good!

This game of plugging and unplugging repeats over a dozen times, and everytime owner plugs the cord and loud music starts playing from the speakers, the annoyed bird makes an angry squeak and unplugs the cord with its beak! Adorable!

Who do you think won this endless battle?

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