A River Of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms | Don McCorkell

1 year ago

"A River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms" is a heart-stopping documentary that reveals the shocking reality of our modern meat and poultry production system. From the dangerous use of arsenic, antibiotics, and hormones to the massive dumping of sewage into fragile waterways, the film exposes the catastrophic impact on the environment, health, and individual lives.

Directed by Don McCorkell, the documentary features interviews with experts such as Dr. Robert Lawrence, Dr. Joanne Burkholder, and Dr. (((Michael Greger))), shedding light on the devastating consequences of factory farming practices. The European Union has established strong health and environmental standards for the industry, but in the U.S. and elsewhere, factory farming continues to dominate, causing irreparable damage to the environment and public health.

As one observer noted, if terrorists were responsible for such actions, there would be an uproar, but when it's a Fortune 500 company, it's just "business as usual." The filmmakers hope to inspire a public outcry for reform, much like the one sparked by Upton Sinclair's novel, "The Jungle", over 100 years ago.

A River of Waste is a powerful and eye-opening exposé that urges viewers to take action against the destructive practices of animal agribusiness. Watch this film and share it with your friends and family to help make a difference in protecting our planet and public health.

Release Date: 2009

Director: Don McCorkell
Stars: Joanne Burkholder, Larry Cahoon, Parris N. Glendening
🔗 Please Consider Supporting The Creator: https://www.cinemalibrestudio.com/arow/index.html
📖 Read - The Jungle By Upton Sinclair ► HERE: https://archive.org/details/thejungle00sincuoft/mode/2up
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