Mail Client

1 year ago

This is a Single Page Application that dynamically rewrites the web page with new data that it fetches from the web server, instead of having to load entire new pages. It’s written using a Django/Python backend server on a SQLite database with an API which allows the front end Javascript client to send and view emails between users of the App.

The Project requirements are modelled and designed using Yourdon-DeMarco SSADM and the data flow diagrams and flow charts were created using DrawIO. Client Functionality is implemented using raw javascript with the user interface written using CSS and SASS

Requirements Timestamps
Req: 1
SPA: The application must be a Single Page App

Req: 2
Send Mail: When a user submits the email composition form, add JavaScript code to actually send the email.

Req: 3:
Mailbox: When a user visits their Inbox, Sent mailbox, or Archive, load the appropriate mailbox.

Req: 4
View Email: When a user clicks on an email, the user should be taken to a view where they see the content of that email.

Req: 5
Archive and Unarchive: Allow users to archive and unarchive emails that they have received.

Req: 6
Reply: Allow users to reply to an email.

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