What's the Deal with Democrats Banning Books?

1 year ago

Hello, Common Sense Ohio listeners! We're back with another episode that's bound to stir some thoughts and, as always, encourage a bit of good old common sense.

Let's start by setting the scene for a bizarre case that caught our attention – the situation involving Bryn Spejcher out in California. This one has got a lot of folks talking and for good reason. Bryn, while under the influence of some potent marijuana, ends up stabbing her boyfriend 108 times. The outcome? No jail time, just 100 hours of community service, and a couple of years of probation. Quite the light sentence considering the crime!

This begs the question – how far does the concept of 'diminished capacity' as a defense stretch our criminal justice system? It's a real quagmire when you factor in intoxication defenses involving substances like alcohol versus marijuana – and with recreational pot being legalized here in Ohio, well, let's just say this issue might hit closer to home than we'd like.

Turning our gaze towards the Democrats and their recent approach to book banning, let's chat about what's been happening with Amazon. They seem to have taken a leaf out of some Orwellian manual, trying to suppress discussions about alternatives and letting certain information slip into the void.

Be it the topic of impeachment, taken lightly these days by our government officials, or our own dear state's dealings with wages, we've got to keep our eyes peeled and senses sharp. You simply can't trust an administration where the cabinet's memories are as ephemeral as the documents they misplace.

Memorable Moments

00:00 Senate border bill negotiation fails; illegal incursions.

10:21 Republican leaders must tackle immigration.

14:37 American tradition of opening borders when needed.

18:44 Sorting culture by state, divisive but intriguing.

24:45 WHO and Fauci initially opposed masks.

35:55 Biden's competence questioned due to memory loss.

39:11 Client comprehension of charges and assistance in defense.

44:18 Judge questioning receipts and Fani Willis's benefit.

47:58 CIA initiated the Russiagate story using foreign bumping.

01:08:00 Questioning drug use, intent, punishment, and recidivism

01:15:37 Professional sound recording for your podcast here at Channel 511


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