Avdeevka 2015: The Media and NATO Are Liars (see description)

11 months ago

Forgotten footage of the way locals in Avdeevka protested the fortification of their town by NATO.

Whom was Ukraine protecting there, against whom?

The media and globalists are now pushing the bulls!t Navalny narrative. Navalny was a self-confessed nazi who tried to overthrow the Russian government, caught on camera requesting millions from British MI6 agent James William Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million a year to start a colour revolution in Russia. But isn't it ironic that scumbags like Sky News are claiming Navalny was an upholder of "democracy"...since when have Nazis been democratic? But the word democracy means "another form of communism" in legal dictionaries. So now the media and globalist governments are pushing the Navalny narrative, at a time when US Congress is putting a block on further funding to Ukraine. So you have to ask yourself who benefits more from the murder of Navalny? Navalny was working for Mossad, CIA, and MI6, a scumbag. Just like the Nordstream 1 & 2 Pipelines, proven that they were not destroyed by Russia, who incidentally own the pipelines. Putin v2 said on camera that he knows who did the pipeline attack, the UNITED STATES and UK, probably to punish Germany for doing back-door deals with Russia. Russia isn't the bad guy, Russia never was the bad guy...the bad in Russia came from the Bolsheviks who were zionist communists. Then on top of all this, the deep-state cabal have been using people like this for sick medical experiments, this is why the Ukraine was a hot bed for the Nazis, such as the Right Sector and Asov battalion, Nazi faction funded by the UNITED STATES and the CITY OF LONDON, assisted by NATO, the UN, the WEF, and the WHO.

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