Stray Subverts Skunk's Spaghetti Supper -Still Saves Some So Skunk Served Sufficient Seconds (sorta)

1 year ago

To be honest, I couldn't bear finishing off that microwave spaghetti myself. Even with added cheese and tomato sauce, it was NOTHING like the box photo (go figure). Lower than Marie Callendar standards, I say. Moot to Spare or Skunk! I think this is Lady Skunk on smaller size and starting to recognize the sharper, thinner snoot and head. Good for her because Mister S would have gobbled up all that pasta.
Still going on the assumption that she is an expectant mother (rarely bothers to gather grass unless for a maternal nest). Some later shots of a row of kits following would be priceless. Disclaimers again:
1. Bunkhouse here is for old storage. Closed up for winter. Intact floor; they are under the structure along with (at least in past) many cottontails.
2. OF COURSE not advised to serve them spaghetti ... oh, that's fine but these are indeed wild creatures. However: skunks will eventually move on. They do not risk staying at one den site beyond lingering in winter and/or maternals. Is not a daily thing. In my meddling way I'm supporting some new mom nutrition. If kits show, EVERYTHING will be kept clear so they can learn naturally vs being served.
3. Except for 2.5 miles west, every point of the compass leads to vast habitat. This is right on the creek edges, too. As with the stray, they have dozens of large old lumber/post piles, old collapses Who The Heck Knows, etc. Unlike suburbia with fewer options, they have a world of choice. I expect them to move on.
4. Will they still patrol up here, perhaps BECAUSE of this? shrug. Maybe. Probably have all the time anyway. Posting soon (YES, I COVER EVERYTHING!) that should help will be an aerial shot marking the trail cam locations. Of the 4 different sites tried that skunks showed up, I'm beginning to think there were ALL one or both of this pair. How? Hair, baby. Frizz burst on the lady. May be wrong. Xtra point: this really is remote. Edge of wilderness at fencelines. I wouldn't be doing this (maybe) if it was a pair in my city backyard under the mower shed.

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