Maker Challenge: Invent a Sport Using These Random Items

1 year ago

Here's an illustrated design prompt that you can use to bring out the maker in every student. Enjoy this video? Please subscribe to the channel:

Here's the transcript:
You just received a mystery box. Inside, you find a roll of duct tape, two tennis rackets, a whiffle ball, a stack of cups, a bag of balloons, and a spool of string.

Now, invent a sport using at least four of these items.

What is the goal of your sport? How will you win? Will you have points? Will you take turns?

Will it be timed or will it end when you’ve reached a final score or a destination?

How many players will you need? Will it be a team sport or an individual sport? Or will the sport have multiple teams playing against each other?

What positions will it have? And what will the players do?

What will the rules be? What will be allowed and forbidden? What will happen if an athlete breaks the rules?

What kind of a court or a field will you play on? What will the dimensions be? Will you play it indoors or outdoors?

Now invent that sport. Write the directions so that anyone could figure out how to play it. Keep your instructions clear and concise

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