2024 The Year Of The Dragon, Sudden Conflict, Threats, and More

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The Lunar New Year. Chinese New Year. The Spring Festival. Whatever you call it, it’s the celebration of the new year that begins on the first new moon that appears between January 21 and February 24.

Each Chinese year is represented by a different animal. The 2024 Chinese New Year is the Year of the Dragon. But what does that mean for us as Christians?, How do we protect ourselves?. And what will happen during these times?. Join Ps Yvon as she teaches on the topic.

Celebrate Freedom Ministries operates in the full gospel of the Kingdom, training leaders on how to train others in healing and deliverance. We also offer weekly online discipleship classes. We have been called by God to teach, build, and equip believers for the work of the ministry through conferences, events, and online platforms. The Celebrate Freedom School of Supernatural Ministry was established to help believers receive inner healing, physical healing, and deliverance.

#2024 #propheticword2024 #love #january
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