Article Video - International Public Notice: HR5404 and Why Banks Are Collapsing By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4668 Video - International Public Notice: HR5404 and Why Banks Are Collapsing - Sunday, February 18, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The banks are collapsing for an intrinsically stupid reason: the Federal Reserve Banks have been caught red-handed in an enslavement and peonage racket against Public Employees and their Dependents (including millions of Americans deliberately misidentified as such), and as its so-called Federal Reserve Notes aka FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES were based on kickbacks from these securitized labor contracts, they are no longer able to provide the member banks with enough cash to do transactions.

This is leading banks to close their doors, as they don't have the Magic Widgets to meet the demands of consumers.

This whole situation underscores the idiocy of believing in fiat "money of account" based on blood money-- that is an alleged public interest in labor and performance contracts, or, to update the concept, a digital currency that costs virtually nothing to produce and nothing to give and nothing to take away, either.

Here, as revealed by their own courts, are the facts about Federal Reserve Notes:

Money "does not include treasury notes". Foquet v. Headley, 3 Conn. 534, 536.

In legal acceptation, "money" means current metallic coins; therefore, an indictment for embezzling "money" is not sustainable by proof of embezzling greenbacks or national currency notes." Block v. State, 41 Tex. 620, 622.

The term "money" does not include bank notes. They pass as cash, and constitute a part of the circulating medium, and for many purposes are to be considered as money; but, in the strict sense of the term, they are not included therein." Dowdle v. Corpening, 32 N.C. 58,60.

"Money," as used in the Crimes Act, section 13, providing that any person stealing any money, the property of another, shall be guilty of larceny, cannot be construed to include bank bills, for strictly bank bills are not money, though for many purposes they are treated as such." Johnson v. State, 11 Ohio St. 324,325.

The term "money," in the statute defining robbery as taking from the person of another any money or personal property of any value whatsoever, with force and violence, and with intent to steal or rob, does not include bank notes." Turner v. State, 1 Ohio St. 422,426.

"Federal Reserve Notes are not dollars." U.S. Treasury, General Counsel, Munk.

Both notes and checks are acknowledgments of indebtedness and promise of payment." Hegeman v. Moon, 131 N.Y. 462, 30 N.E. 487. Smith v. Treuhart et al, 223 N.Y.S. 481;

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