Article 4667 Video - International Public Notice: They Have No Gold By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4667 Video - International Public Notice: They Have No Gold - Sunday, February 18, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The simple fact is that all physical assets belong to physical living people. The Law of Kinds is invoked.

Only men and women have gold, silver, land, soil, water, air, indeed all the material interests of this planet belong to people, not persons, and can only belong to the living people.

Any provision we make for corporations to own anything extends to their right to exist and conduct business "for any lawful purpose". Legal purposes are disallowed.

Persons, mere humans, working as public employees and institutions have tried to insert themselves as middlemen and purloin the rights and assets of the living, but this cannot be permitted.

And this is the issue at Law that our own courts which have superior concurrent general jurisdiction have answered; we do not choose to let our public employees represent us in the matter of our physical assets and credit derived from our physical assets.

Our country and its fifty nation-states are fully endowed in all jurisdictions and have sent our lawful Fiduciary to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) according to our Law and Custom -- with reference to accounting due on land jurisdiction assets owed to Americans by the 63 central bank members of the Bank for International Settlements -- which includes the so-called Off-Ledger Accounts and Legacy Trust Accounts; there are no Legal Persons authorized to distribute or claim or use our gold, silver, land, cash, or corporate holdings and no current contract allowing their use or distribution.

This should be of concern to the whole world, as our resources have underwritten all trade and commercial transactions in the Western World and part of the Eastern Hemisphere, too, for more than a century. An accounting has been due from the Global Federal Reserve since 2005, and other banks are similarly overdue.

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