Wealth Transfer Crypto Tech Support 🖥️ CryptoCurrency Help 🪙

11 months ago

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Within the last few months or so God instructed me to help people. I believe HE was speaking in reference to helping people set up their cryptocurrency, such as Sell Limit Orders, Buy Limit Orders, transferring from one platform to another, setting up their Hot Wallets, like MetaMask and their Cold Wallets such as Tandem Wallet. People have also been interested in getting to hard to access cryptos such as Volt Inu, WikiCat, BNB Tiger and BNB Lion.

I'm also here to help you with any other type of Crypto Tech Support you may have, of course, people want to know how much will this cost. Well, I'm going to share with you how to sign up by the end of this video. As a Scrum Master in the Information Technology Engineering world, I have made about $77 an hour in the past. When I create I.T. Resumes or prepare people for I.T. interviews such as a Scrum Master, Kanban Lead, Product Owner, Business Analyst, Customer Success Manager, Agile Coach, or Software Developer, which typically pays over a $100,000. I make about a $100 an hour doing Interview Prep with them. My most recent Crypto Tech Support appointment paid me $256 approximately.

For this one-on-one Cryptocurrency Tech Support Via Zoom, I am suggesting an offering of $100 for an hour to get your cryptocurrency set up the way you would like it to be set up. That offering will be required ahead of time, when you book your time with me, which reserves your time on my calendar. Of course, I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is Crypto Tech Support. I can't configure and set up your Crypto for you, but I can walk you through how to do this and I can teach you how to do this for yourself. I will also provide you a video recording for you to refer back to so that you can watch it repeatedly and study, in order to show yourself approved.

Now, there may be some people who say they don't have a hundred dollars. Well, for those who truly don't have $100. And what I'm about to say is not for people who spend all their money on $700 hair weaves, wigs and perms, and then say, oh, I don't have any money. It's not for people who spend $700 on a new PlayStation or xBox for them to say, oh, I don't have any money.

This is for people who truly don't have the money, but still want help getting things set up. The most frequent Offering that I receive is $50 per hour to help people get their cryptocurrency set up in their platforms and wallets. Now, if you only have $50, I'm going to ask that In addition to that $50, you pray on my behalf to GOD in Intercessory Prayer, using the Prayer Points, I give you in JESUS Mighty Name, for 50 minutes. Did you see that 50 plus 50 equals that 100? Also you'll be required to complete that 50 minutes of prayer. Before I will help you at the discounted price.

And finally, if you say you absolutely have no money to pay for the Tech Support, but maybe somehow you collected pennies and nickels and dimes off the ground like I do. Or perhaps you saved up bags of aluminum cans and cashed them in like I do, and you have zero money to give as an offering for the help. Then 100 minutes of Intercessory Prayer will be required ahead of time. And I'll help you at no cost.

The Wealth Transfer Community has come to my aid. Like the Philippians came to aid The Apostle Paul in Philippians chapter four, and I am thankful and grateful, and I am truly here to help you make sure that you are in position concerning your cryptocurrency. To get started, email at howtobehealedtvatgmail.com. That's H O W T O B E H E A L E D T V @gmail.com
And give me your name and phone number and I will call you as soon as I can to book your appointment.

This service is something that a lot of people have been asking for. So this offer is good for a limited time. As long as the Offerings for this service continues to come in, we can keep this going. However, if people don't want this service, uh, enough to pay for it, then I'll have to get back in that Uber Driver's seat And work 15 hours a day.
And I won't be able to help people as much with their Crypto and hold LiveStream services and create videos the way that I would like to. I'm only one, Man. And I cannot be at two places at one time.

Now my detractors and naysayers will say all kinds of things. However, some people are insatiable and no matter what you do, they will get mad and upset.
If you are Bold, like a lion, they will say it's Pride. If you are calm, reserved, and introverted; they will say you are too passive And you're trying to isolate yourself from others. Nothing is good enough for these people. According to Matthew chapter 11, we are taught that John The Baptist came neither eating. Or drinking. And they said he had a devil in him. Then Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Both ate and drank with sinners, but they said that our LORD was a glutton and a wineBibber.

My my my. So if they did not think that JESUS was good enough, how do you think that they're gonna think what you do or don't do is good enough, my my my.
You better hear from God for yourself. Confirmation? This is what happens with someone confirms what GOD already told you. Just because two prophets say something, That is similar.
That does not necessarily mean confirmation. What if two people with the title of prophet communicate with each other, and share notes of what they have heard and gathered from the spies that they have sent out. Then they both give same more the same words based on what they have gathered through their networking. Is that confirmation?

There was a long list of reasons my finances took the worst hit since before the 2020 Lockdowns. But one was because I listened to a prophet when that individual criticized my Patreon that I started. And then because of their criticism, I took it down. If I had the Patreon up, I would have been financially stable, Despite those series of satanic attacks that came against me.

You have to understand that people are dedicated to making sure that you are broke. They want to see you fail, so they feel better about themselves. A brother told me that, a prophet told him to quit his job. And now that brother is homeless, sleeping in his car because he listened to someone other than GOD. He, himself, is a prophet. However, he listened to someone else with a title of prophet.

In the book of first Kings chapter 13, verse 11 through 25. We see that an old prophet lied to a young prophet and the young prophet, the young prophet was killed by a lion. So ladies and gentlemen. You better hear from God before you make decisions based on what someone said. And if you hear something negative about a person, go to the person and speak to them directly. And just because you're hearing something negative about someone that doesn't mean it's true. Go ask them before you disassociate from them because of what someone else says that they did.

But for my detractors, who will say, well, you shouldn't charge for this. Well, most churches, I know have a bookstore where they charge For the books and the services of the bookstore. Many ministers have books that they charge people for. And if a person still doesn't have money, I will still help them as time permits concerning their cryptocurrency.

A detractor might say, well, it should be free. I have made tons of tutorial videos that are on the channel.
And I have pinned that playlist to the comment section. If you watch this video all the way to the end, put a gold coin emoji or a computer screen emojis in the comments. I love you all in Christ, including my detractors naysayers and those that falsely say all kinds of evil things against me. I Love y'all In CHRIST.

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