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Prophet Julie Green - Massive Cover Ups The FBI Committed Are About to Be Uncovered - Captions
Prophet Julie Green - Massive Cover Ups The FBI Committed Are About to Be Uncovered - With Captions
TODAY'S SCRIPTURES (courtesy of Kenbarrett77)
Ps. 75:7
Luke 8:17
Rev 22:13 (Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End)
Luke 12:2
Ps. 89:14 (Throne is righteous and justice)
Rom. 8:31 (If go be for you, who can be against you)
Ps. 144:6
2 Chron. 20:23
James 4:7 (resist the devil and he must flee)
2 Kings 7:1-7
2 Cor 2:14 (God always causes you to triumph)
Ex. 15:4
Deut. 20:4
Ps. 33:10
Isa. 54:17 (No weapon formed against you shall prosper)
Heb. 10:30
Num. 13:30-33, 14:1-4
John 8:32 (Truth sets you free)
John 17:13-17 (you are not of this world)
1 John 4:4 (greater one on the inside of you)
Ps. 18:2
Scatter – throw in various, random directions; throw loosely about, distribute at irregular intervals; separate and move off quickly in different directions; disperse
Vengeance – punished inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, January 25th, 2024. And I want to thank you, each and every one of you for joining today's live show. Now I want to start this live show out a little bit differently today because I think the Lord keeps telling us to celebrate. And so I think that we should be celebrating today.
What is going on in all the exposures and everything that God has done for us? We should be celebrating the fact that God wins. We should be celebrating the fact that God's Word stands forever We should be celebrating the fact that no weapon formed against us shall prosper We should be celebrating the fact that God always Leads us into a triumphant victory and our enemies always lose We should be celebrating each and every day that God is for us So who can be against us?
Why should we fear if God's on our side? There's a lot of things that we need to do And we need to focus on in this year this year 2024 In this year of the year of more in this year that God is saying that he is going to do things for us This is a year we've been waiting for he's doing all these things So I want to share something with you and I did see it in the comment section.
So, thank you to great white lion Again for sharing this, but I was already going to share it and he just shared another prophecy along with this one. So, I don't know if you guys heard, you guys probably did because it's pretty much everywhere all throughout the, you know, airwaves. It's probably gone viral by now, but yesterday or the night before that, there was an audio recording from Kerry Lake that was released.
That she was bribed. They tried to bribe her. Of course, she didn't fall for that bribe because she loves this country too much. They tried to bribe her not to running for Senate and they were throwing almost a hundred million Dollars at her to not run for the Senate and to go away for two years What has been God been saying?
About audio recordings wasn't saying about video surveillance, which was saying tons of that when it comes to January 6th and the truth is coming out regarding that he's been saying all these things. He said he has it all. And we are just now seeing the beginning of everything. So I want to just read an article to you.
This is from the Daily Mail. Audio recording reveals a moment that senior Republican figure tried to bribe Keri Lake not to run for the Senate. Now his name is Jeff DeWitt and he was a chair of Arizona Republican party. And he can be heard asking Lake, a closely close ally of Donald Trump to name her price to stay out of politics.
For two years. There are very powerful people who want to keep you out. He tells her in a conversation recorded at the same at the start of March last year. There's very powerful people that want to keep her out. Well, who are these powerful people? And then I think he mentions later on It's like it's someone in the, someone in the back from the East.
Well, East Coast. Well, who is that? The establishment, maybe? Dewitt tells Lake, 54, one of the most public faces of the former president MAGA movement, and a woman frequently spoken as a 2024 vice presidential pick, that he thinks Trump will lose and it's time to make a way for someone else. This was March of last year.
This recording was from March of last year. The reason why I'm saying this is not only God's been talking to us about audio recordings that were going to surface and of course He keeps talking to us about Exposure. He's exposing the enemy and then he said resignations So in another prophetic word, there was let me have to hold on a minute.
Let me get this up. I have to see. Hold on a second. Cause they had it in the comment section. I have to go back to that now. Okay. So this is prophecy was from October 4th of 2023. It's called a time of darkness. He says resignations are coming. Many people are about to step away. Many people are about to leave their seats of power.
Some will leave on their own accord. And then he says, and some will be forced. You may not know which right away, but you will in the end and then he says some will die. So this was from October 4th of 2023 about resignations. Well, guess what? When that audio recording came out yesterday of Jeff Dewitt.
Bribing or trying to bribe because again, we know Keri Lake is not on that side and she would never do that She's a true patriot. She's a true awesome woman of god, and I just love her and respect her And she of course turned that bribe down. But again, he had to resign. He was forced to resign Because it's audio recording.
All right, then You have again who was making him say this and so god is giving us the first piece Of this puzzle of again, showing this person what they did, and now I know he will show the people who are pulling that string because that's God and you know, God will do that. So this is just getting interesting.
Remember, he's been saying that things are coming together. And great exposures are happening and justice will prevail. There was I was on a prayer call yesterday and I will pre record that for you probably sometime tomorrow. And I'll pre record that for you next week. And I kept hearing yesterday, justice.
Will prevail and then all of a sudden during our prayer call he gave a very powerful prophetic word About justice and what he's doing against the enemies of almighty god and so times are short Okay, things are coming to a close And god is telling us in the prophetic word that I will be sharing with you here shortly That there are decisions that need to be made Of course of what side we're on I know a lot of you what side you guys are on You guys are on the side of truth.
You guys are on the side of justice. You guys are on the side of freedom and liberty. You're on the side of God and believe in God over what you are saying. I know you guys are standing in faith and some days are hard, but God is faithful. And there's so many different prophetic words that I've already pre recorded for you.
I pre recorded another one very early hours in this morning before this one. They're so powerful. I can't even tell you it's starting to intensify even in the prophecies That I'm receiving so I want to let you guys know that to be Catch up on next week because they're they're they're very powerful prophetic words that God is giving out right now Okay, so I want to give you an awesome Update on some prophecies being fulfilled until I we can get these short videos out.
I'm gonna give you guys Some here and there during the live shows, to just to get encourage you that god is doing this people are stepping down People are being judged because what does god say? And Psalm 75 in verse seven, he puts down one and he lifts up another. This is the beginning. This is 2024, the year we've been waiting for.
We're going to start seeing more exposures. We're going to start seeing and hearing more audio, more audio. We're going to start seeing more video surveillance. We're going to start seeing more emails, more text messages, more things that the enemies were trying to hide. And it's going to come out. They were held back for such a time as this.
So get ready because things are about to get very, very interesting. God wins. I'm so excited that that audio recording came out. I'm so excited that Keri Lake shared that with everyone and it just has been blasting out everywhere because truth. Always will come out and every lie will be revealed.
I'm going to reveal those scriptures to you here in a minute, but I'm gonna get to this prophetic word. Okay. I am so excited. I was so excited when I saw that. And I tried sharing this post, but I know my team members are watching and hopefully they can share it with you. If you missed yesterday's broadcast with brother Tim or Timothy that was over the weekend from from the gathering, but if you miss pastor Dave and I yesterday on take five in his glory, go and watch it.
There was explosive confirmation after confirmation of what the Lord had given me and what even pastor Dave has been confirmed and we don't talk, we don't talk before we don't talk usually after now, before we did talk for a couple minutes but it was not about some of these things that we talked about.
Again, because we want to let God, we might talk about like fun things here and there, you know, but this time there was so much more things that God was revealing during that take five in his glory yesterday. Again, he doesn't know what I'm going to say. And I don't know what he's heard. And that's why I love that show.
He's a dear friend of mine. I respect him. I love him. And I, I'm so excited that God Oh, thank you. Thank you. I just seen that they're sharing it in the chat right now. If you guys want to go and watch that later on, it was an amazing show. I just, I loved it. So anyway. Now I'm going to show this prophecy to you on now.
This was from January 9th. Okay. January 9th, this is called, listen to this title. I, I, I questioned it for a minute. I'm like, Lord, do you really want me to put that? And he's, he did. So massive coverups, the FBI committed are about to be uncovered. Massive coverups, the FBI committed. Are about to be uncovered.
This was from January 9th, 2024. Now, before I get to this, seriously, I want to let you guys know that not everybody from the FBI, not everybody from the CIA, not everybody from the NSA, not everybody in our government are evil. Okay. When God talks about exposing these you know, three letter agencies and things like that, he's talking about the evil ones in these agencies.
Not everybody's evil. There are people that are very, very good people. That are working to try to protect this nation, but there are people that have been embedded in these 3 letter agencies that are working against us. So I just want to make that clear. I am not against. The three law agencies completely.
Okay. Just the ones who are against this nation and against truth and against God. All right. Now, this is the first paragraph it says, my children, you are at a crossroads and decisions that need to be made a time to choose what you believe and what you don't where you will stand and fight with me and receive my word is true and use my authority or give into this deception of your enemy and accept a defeat That is not yours.
It is time for the great separation. It is time where you must move forward and not stay the same and not remain where you are. Now, don't give up on me and don't be led by an evil report. That's contrary to my word. Your enemies will try everything now to get you away from me and my word. Hold fast and remember my words.
And my words stand forever, no matter the time, no more time to live as the world lives. There is no more time for complacency. There is no more time for distraction. There is no more time for slow. No, this is the time to speed things up or your enemies would have caused more damage and more chaos. But I am intervening on your behalf and I will not fail you rest in me Rest in my word that all is well in the house of the Lord
wash the walls of protection Surrounding your FBI not only fail, but they will fall shock will ring across this land regarding your FBI. Great exposure is coming for every cover up all blackmail and for all destruction for every lie for every crime committed against this country and every. American citizen, how long they have weaponized been weaponized against you by the Washington establishment and the global government.
But my infiltrators are coming forward to destroy their power and their plans against you and how they tried to silence you and silence the truth. Every FBI director and every person, a part of this agency. Will be exposed who are against me. They will all fall in all treason committed against this nation Will be exposed and justice will be served
James Comey I am opening the books on you and showing the world every crime you and your agency committed When you were director of the FBI, how you destroyed evidence of crimes committed against this nation by many government officials, every cover up, every scandal, everything you gave to four nations.
To help take this country down in every way you helped weaken this country will be exposed I have it all and nothing will stop me and treason will be your end Robert Mueller, I am NOT done exposing you and how dirty you really are I am the judge and I am judging you and everyone with you you have not gotten away with what you have done against my nation and It's all coming out.
My children, I will show you how far back the treason goes, and it will shock you on how much they've done against this nation for years. But I will not only bring this evil down, but restore what should have been all along.
A shakeup in your Supreme Court is about to take place. There will be removals in your highest court of this land. Oh, United States, hostile takeover. You will hear this in the news for a significant reason. No rhyme or reason. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason. A major weather event will take place in an unusual location.
Whether the weather that is not typical in this part of this world, watch Africa and watch what happens. That is unusual, that's so unusual and shocking that it will be in your news. You will know it as you see this phenomenon.
Washed up has been. This phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. Pedophile. I say this word again because I'm about to expose the biggest one in your government now. And in the past in Hollywood and corporate America and Wall Street and the global government and all over the world, great judgment is coming to this evil that has been hidden and all the money being thrown at, at the secret Island and the underground tunnels, the secret of businesses and who sustained this and kept it going.
All the truth is coming out and will destroy this secret society,
Emmanuel Johnson. This name will be in your news for a shocking reason. My children get ready for unusual events to start taking place one right after another. You have moved into the time of unusual to get you out of the normal and you should have never known this normal. You should have never known.
So hold on in this time of a great and unusual moves. For your freedoms, it's almost over. So keep fighting, keep standing and keep celebrating. Say it the Lord of hosts. Now this I, and I want to before I go over the scriptures that God has this is not when he, when he said the word Emmanuel Johnson, that is not Manuel.
That's not my friend, Manuel Johnson. Okay. It's a similar name. But it's not the same because I was clarifying that when I was hearing, when I heard that name and I'm like, you said Emmanuel, not Manuel, that's two different people. Okay. So it's Emmanuel, not Manuel Johnson. All right. So two different people.
It's not my friend. This is someone else. All right. Now in this prophetic word, there's a lot of things that God is saying he's going to uncover. All right. So he says all the coverups are going to be uncovered. Now, before I go back to read that, I I want to read you a few scriptures. Go to Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter 8 and verse 17 I've read this to you before But this is again when God is saying every lie is going to be revealed or things that are covered up things that are hidden things have been deleted things that have been destroyed all these things God is going to uncover and Nothing has been I was on when I was on with Pastor Dave yesterday He even said things that are deleted can be brought back It's not totally gone forever.
And so that was complete confirmation of what God has been saying. Because God keeps saying that he has it all. Okay, so go to Luke chapter 8 and verse 17. Luke 8 and 17.
Create, and I want to say this too, creation is not gonna outsmart the creator. We're God's creation, mankind. He is the creator. He is Elohim. He's the one who created heaven and earth. He created all things. But people these, you know, global government, the Washington establishment, all these people that are against God, I think they, they can do whatever they want.
They will never outsmart the creator. They can never hide anything from him that will not be made known. Because he's the Alpha, the Omega, he's the beginning and the end, and he's omnipotent. He's everywhere. He hears all, he sees all. So there's nothing that they have done, or buried deep enough, he's been telling us this in prophecy, that will not be uncovered.
And Luke 8, 17 says,
It says right here, for there is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be made known and come into the open. Well, that's exactly what happened the other day with that Keri Lake and that audio. They were trying to cover that up. The enemies were trying to hide the fact that they were bribing people behind the scenes, not to How many people in our government actually took those bribes?
Obviously Kerouac didn't, we know that. But how many people did take it? How many people are passing laws and doing these things because they were bribed into doing it? How many of these people against this country, that look like they're in our government for us, are actually taking bribes behind the scenes?
You know darn well, they didn't just bribe, try to bribe her. There's been other people that they've been bribing. I bet you those things are gonna come out too. Again, right here, Luke 8, 17. For there is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be made known or come out in the open.
Here's another scripture. Luke 12. Here's another one. Luke 12 and verse 2. Here he says it again. There is nothing so closely covered up that it will not be revealed. Or hidden that will not be made known. Now there are a lot of prophecies that again, I've already done a couple and I've already done those where I've dictated them out and I've got them ready to pre record since I'll be gone here in a couple of days.
But again, All these things that God is talking about now, things weren't just going to be uncovered. Okay. Cause a lot of people say, well, things have been uncovered. Nothing's been done about it that we know of. First of all, secondly, God, his throne is righteousness and justice. God is a God of justice.
Now again, I want you to read this. Go. I quoted it earlier when I was going over that Keri Lake exposure that happened with them trying to bribe her. And again, that guy who did bribe her stepped down because they were exposed. But the puppet masters behind them are going to be exposed as well. They can't hide.
All right. Psalm 75,
Psalm 75 in verse 7, but God is the judge. He puts down one and lifts up another. And that's the reason why when we were looking at all these indictments against President Trump and when we were talking about Peter Navarro, I think his as of today. We're talking about all these unjust judges and we're talking about all the things that they're trying to do.
Remind ourselves, we have to remind ourselves who is the ultimate judge, who is the judge who has say over all the judges of this earth, who has more power than the judges in this earth. God almighty. He won. He will continue to win because God will never lose. He's undefeated. So again, he puts down one and he lifts up another.
This is the time he's been saying, this is a time of removals. He's also been saying that this is a time of whistleblowers. They're going to start coming out. You're gonna start seeing more and more evidence. There was evidence that's been held back from January 6. Trust me, the Lord's been talking about it.
Complete blueprints of that entire day. Who was in charge? Who all worked together? Who got paid? Everything. We're gonna see it all. It hasn't been that right time. Again, it's been a little bit here and a little bit here and a little bit here because we would not have been able we were talking about this yesterday, Pastor Dave and I We would not have all been able to hear everything that's going on behind the scenes and be able to handle all this information at one time.
So God is allowing some of these things also to go slower, create more damage against the enemy and their plans. Because what's happening right now is that they're trying to put out fire here, and then they have another fire going here, and then there's another fire going here, and they don't know which fire to put out first.
Instead of putting it all out at one time and overwhelming people, God is doing this where you're seeing fire here, fire. He says they're turning on each other, which we're seeing. He says that they're being exposed, which we're seeing. We're seeing all this evidence that's coming out. We're seeing all these things because why?
And what I just recorded this morning before I got on here is for next Tuesday, the prophecy is called judgment is here. And judgment is clear. That's the name. That's the prophecy title judgment is here and judgment is clear That's for next week and he was very this was very very strong prophetic word Regarding the enemies of almighty god What they've been warned about what they are about to do because god's been telling us they are about to unleash 10 years Of things that they were going to do over the next 10 years all their plans In this one year alone and the reason for that again, don't panic don't get in fear Don't worry about it because we have and he uses in this prophetic word, that you'll hear next week He says he's the ultimate defender and we know that he is he's, we also know he's the ultimate defender, but protector God protects us.
So what all these things are being exposed and he said, every person he's going to reveal all mass was going to come off who they truly are, what they're doing. Then he says, again, he is protecting us like the land of Goshen. So we are not supposed to be afraid. No matter what they do this year, do not, and I repeat myself, do not be afraid because of God's before us who can be against us.
He's on our side. And you, when you think of judgment, think of what happened with the plagues. I've talked about this many, many times. But think about how God protected and he was also their ultimate defender against the enemies and what Pharaoh was doing to them. He protected them and he got them out of there.
He was their deliverer. Now, I also want to reveal a couple of different scriptures as well. Go to Psalm 144 and verse six, Psalms 144 and verse six. What else does God do against the enemies of almighty God? Psalm 144. In verse six
and it says here cast forth lightning and scatter my enemies send out your arrows and embarrass and frustrate them and another translation says let's see here. No, that's another one All right. Now it says flash forth the lightning and scatter them send out your arrows and route them Curl your lightning bolts and scatter your enemies shoot your arrows and confuse Them it's another translation To confuse them.
So what happens the enemy? Remember satan is the author of confusion. All right. He says they're doing all these things against us. They're growing desperate. Confusion is growing in them. And remember when we're celebrating, cause we should be right now and we're praising and worshiping God, he sets up ambushes and they destroy themselves.
You see that in the book of second Chronicles chapter 20 and verse 23, they're praising and worshiping God. And it, he said ambushes up. And then you see later on in that chapter, how the enemies destroyed themselves and God's people didn't have to fight at all. So if we realize that God scatters the enemy, okay, what does scatter mean?
Throw in various random directions or dispersed amount of something, or to throw loosely about. Distribute at irregular intervals and separate or drive off in various directions, disperse to scatter a crowd. Well, if they're scattering, remember, if we resist the devil, he what? He must flee. When God is doing what God is doing, and he's delivering us, he's our defender, he's our protector, but just like in the instance, Of in 2nd Kings chapter 7, there was 4 leprous men for the sake of time.
I can't read all of it, but I want you to turn there though. So in this they were going through Hell on earth. Okay They were stuck in this city Surrounded by their enemy. They had shortage of food They had shortage of water and the enemy was trying to get them to come out So they could obviously incite them and kill them.
That's why the enemy was surrounding them And that's why they could not get out They could not do anything. They wanted the enemies of almighty God and his people wanted his people in that city to grow very weary and to grow very desperate. Okay. But in that time of that darkness and other time of shortages and of that time of frustration of that time where it looked like they were surrounded by the enemy and there was no way out and the enemy was going to eventually win because of what was going on inside that city.
Alright, then you have a prophet Elijah and he says by this time tomorrow. He says in 2nd Kings chapter 7 verse 1 2nd Kings chapter 7 verse 1 He says and Elijah said hear the word of the Lord Thus says the Lord tomorrow about this time and measure of fine flour Will sell for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria Now, when he prophesied that, in the natural, it sounded to be completely insane and opposite of what was actually going on.
They had nothing. They were being suppressed, cut off by the enemy. They had, again, no food, no water, no nothing. The enemy was trying to drive them out to destroy them. But the word of the Lord came to the prophet and said, by this time tomorrow, everything is going to change. Everything's gonna change. So then there was somebody mocking them because people always mock prophets.
That's just the devil he has nothing new he always sends people to mock and To try to disprove and try to get people not to listen to a prophet verse 2 So an officer on whose hand the king lain Answer the man of God said look if the Lord would make windows of heaven Could this thing be and he said in fact, you shall see it with your eyes, but you shall not eat of it So what was that guy saying?
He was mocking him and saying, even if God could open the windows of heaven, this could not take place. It's too impossible. It's too evil that everything that's going on, there's, there's no chance of a victory. Evil's winning. There's no chance of victory. We are dead. That's basically what this guy's saying There's no hope and that's how a lot of people feel right now.
They have no hope nothing's going to change Everything's going to go in this direction and god's saying no Look at what the prophet said god will always have prophets on the scene In times of darkness. In times where it looks like the enemy is winning. In times where it looks like the enemy is surrendering.
Or the enemy is surrounding God's people. And there's no way out. But look what he did. You never, in a million years, you never know how God's going to do something. You know that God will keep his covenant. And he will perform his word. But you never know how he's going to do it. Because he's a God of surprises.
He sent four leprous the four people who had leprosy all right for leprous men They were sitting out at the gate because it couldn't go inside because there were lepers so they couldn't go inside or they Stoned to death so they said okay if we go inside we're gonna die if we sit here. We're gonna die Well, maybe if we go to the enemy's camp we might have a chance Maybe they will let us in.
Maybe they will feed us. Maybe they will, you know, let us live. They took a chance. So they got up from their impossible looking situation and they decided to go forward. Even in the direction of an enemy. Look what God is doing. He used four leprous men to perform his word Of what the prophets had said the day before well you have this four leprous men, and they're you know walking There's just four people four people aren't loud.
They're just walking all right But the enemies camp if you read verse 6 2nd Kings chapter 7 and verse 6 Look how God scattered the enemy for the Lord had caused the army of the Syrians to hear the noise of chariots and the noise of horses and the noise of a great army. So they said to one another, look, the King of Israel has hired against us, the Kings of the Hittites and the Kings of the Egyptians to attack us.
Verse seven. Therefore they arose and fled at twilight and left the camp and tacked their tents, their horses, their donkeys, and they fled for their lives.
So four leperous men. Are walking to the enemy's camp. God has enemies here a great army coming against them for men for people and God has the enemies here a great army and they run and start terror and they leave everything. They leave their money. They leave their horses. They leave their food, they leave their tents.
They don't take anything with them. So again, we may not know how God is going to turn all this around, but what happened in Samaria was against the Syrian army and what the Syrian army was doing against Samaria. God changed it in one day with four leprous men that decided to get up and go toward the enemy.
And God had the enemy here, a great army, and they took off. The enemy, and my point, is the enemy always scatters when it comes to Almighty God. They never sit there and wait. They scatter. Oh, like Pharaoh. Okay, let's use him an example. It looks like he didn't scatter either. It looks like he was just gonna keep pursuing God's people.
At first he gave up, and that's why he let God's people go. And all of a sudden he decided to change his mind. He got very arrogant and very bold when all of a sudden the judgment stopped. But he did stop and let them go. Well, all he got bold again. Because God's judgments weren't there and he's like, okay now all this is gone and we have a reprieve Let's go after them and take him back and they did they went after God's people and guess what happened The enemies were scattered before God's people's face when the Red Sea came down on top of them There is not one time In the Bible, you will ever find, no matter what God uses, who God uses, what he does, you will never find that God does not win in the end.
That God's plan or God's will is not done. You will never see that take place. Because God says in his word that he always leads us into a victory and so what we have to do. Is again, we know that God goes before us because he says he does. And we know that every lie is going to be revealed. And we know when all these lies are being revealed and they're seeing the momentum has shifted and they're seeing things are not going in the right direction.
They're panicking and they're going to start making more mistakes now than they did even last year. If you're seeing some of the things that are going on. He's like, I talked to you about it yesterday. They're panicking because they never thought that president Trump would come back from what he came back from.
It's unprecedented things like this just don't happen. And so what God is showing to us is that it doesn't matter what the enemies have in store for us. God can change it. Even though, it looks the most impossible, the most crazy, things like this are never going to happen, and God said, unprecedented, un unconventional, and unusual things are going to happen.
And that's exactly what's happening right now. And it is causing a great confusion in the camp of the enemy, because they're not understanding how what they've always done. It's not working anymore. And in this prophecy, and I'm going to go back to it here. He even says in one part of this prophecy, he says, all this treason has been taking place even longer than we even knew.
We obviously know in the last four years, for sure. There's been a lot of treason that's taken place and God's saying, oh no, it's been a long lot longer than that So let me go back over this prophetic word.
Okay, hold on a minute He wants me to read this again
to show again that no matter what the the nations do the global government It leads the Washington establishment Whoever you want to call him. All right, they're all the same What has been God telling us and reminding us all the time? Psalm 33 in verse 10 he has me read this all the time to remind each every one of us What is truth to remind each and every one of us to stay calm?
So he says the lord brings a council of nations to nothing and their plans to no effect So they're gonna they have plans What they're going to do over the next 10 years against the world. They're going to try to do in one year
He said right here Their plans will be of no effect. That means their plans are going to go the way they want them to go It's not going to prosper because again, it says in isaiah 54 Isaiah 54 17 Okay, he wants me to turn there. I quote it a lot.
Isaiah 54 17, but no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper Every tongue that rise up against you in judgment you shall show to being the wrong this peace righteousness and security and triumph over Opposition is inheritance of the servants of the Lord. Those are doing the ideal idol servant of the Lord is reproduced This is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtained from me.
This is that which I impart to them as justification, sayeth the Lord. So he's talking about vindication and he's talking about justification and he's saying again, no weapon. So they may use a lot of different weapons against us and God said it doesn't matter what they're using. No weapon. Okay. They're also trying to use laws and court cases against us to destroy our country, destroy our freedoms.
That's All right, what's the scripture for that? Hebrews 10. God has a solution to every problem and everything that we're facing in this world today, God's, the word of God has the answer.
Hebrews 10 in verse 30. Vengeance. This is what he's talking about. For we know him who said, Vengeance is mine. Retribution and meting out of full justice rests with me. I will repay our exact the compensation says the Lord and again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people.
He's going to settle the cause and the cases. Of his people, and then he says, retribution, what does that mean? He's giving back what has been stolen, what's been stolen, our freedoms, what's been stolen, our nation, what's been stolen, everything, everything has been stolen. And he's at retribution, the meting out of full justice.
And people say justice isn't being served. Well, we haven't seen it yet. Doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Justice is being served. And there's another scripture that he wanted me to give out and I'll have to have him bring that back to me of what that was. But again, he says, vengeance is mine, retribution and the meting out of full justice rest with me.
It's God's vengeance, full justice. Let's look up the word vengeance again.
Punishment afflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or a wrong. God said vengeance is his punishment afflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or a wrong. So what does that mean? That means God is the one in control and he will, again, retribution for exacted for an injury or wrong. He will make all things that are wrong and he will make them right.
Let's go back over this prophetic word. This is the first paragraph, my children, you are at a crossroads and decisions that need to be made a time to choose what you believe and what you don't, where you stand and fight with me and receive my words. They are true and use my authority or give in to deception of your enemy and accept a defeat that is not yours.
It's time for great separation. It's time where you must move forward and not stay the same and not remain where you are now. Don't give up on me and don't be led by an evil report contrary to my word. So in this first paragraph alone, we have a decision to make. We have a decision if we're going to believe that God is going to do something about it, that he's our ultimate defender, that he's our ultimate protector, that he's our ultimate deliverer and justice is prevailing and justice is being served and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
And again, you know, I've talked about this before. They're mentioning viruses. You know what they're going to try to do with it. Look what 2020 happened. This is. You know, they're going to try to release everything they possibly can because they want to stop this next election because they know they're losing.
They're losing. They know they're losing. No matter what they've done, they're losing. Everything that they've done in the past, that used to work, is not working anymore. So they've got to try something else. So in this time, we have a crossroads. And just like God's people in the wilderness had a crossroad, they either believe the report of Joshua and Caleb, or they believe the report of all the other ones that came out and said, We're just grasshoppers in their sight and we're going to die if we go into the promised land again The promised land the land that God promised them it was theirs They believed what they saw so right now We're not supposed to believe in what we see that our enemy is not greater than God.
God has promised us victory He's promised us that he's a blood covenant keeping God. He's promised us that we are not staying the same He's promised us judgment judgment against our enemies. He's promised us justice So we either gonna believe that or we're gonna get into fear that God's not gonna do anything So what what report do we believe?
Are we gonna stand and hold fast to the word of God, which God is telling us to do, is stand and hold fast to the word of God, because you're gonna have opportunity after opportunity after opportunity to let go of the word. And he's telling you, you're at a crossroads. You're either gonna pick the life of faith, and standing and trusting in him, or you're gonna pick fear and defeat.
And God said, don't go by what happened in the book of Numbers 13, in verse 30. If you read on, and you see what they did, from 30 to 33, and then Numbers chapter 14, one I think it's one through four, that is why they ended up in the wilderness and some died there. They were in a valley of decision. They were at a crossroad.
What am I going to believe? Am I going to believe the report of God? Or am I going to believe the enemy? We have a choice to make and they said, this is the second paragraph. They said, your enemies will try everything now to get you away from me. He had me put that in bold. Your enemies will try everything now to get you away from me and my word.
Why does the enemies want us to get away from God's word? Because God's word is truth and God's word says that's free. God's word separates us from the world. Jesus said in John 17, we are of the world. We are not of this world just as he was not on this world. We are not of this world just as he was not of this world.
If Jesus was here today and if we saw him and he was walking around like he did with the disciples in that day, do you think anything these people were doing would affect him and what he was going to do? No, it didn't affect him then and it will not affect us now because he lives on the inside of us.
Remember that. The greater one. On the inside of us that he that's in the world. So it doesn't matter what they're doing Doesn't matter what they're saying. He's saying they're gonna try Everything to get you away from me. He's warning you that he said behold fast. Remember my words And stand on my words that my word stands forever.
Excuse me He says remember my words and my words stand forever no more time to live as the world lives No more time for complacency. There is no more time for distraction. There is no more time for slow. I don't know if you've noticed, but in the year 2024, this first 24 days, 25 days, it is speeding up.
They says, no, this is a time to speed things up or your enemies would have caused more damage. And more chaos, but I am intervening on your behalf. I will not fail you rest in me, rest in my word that all was well in the house of the Lord. So why is he speeding things up in the year 2024 is that if he didn't speed things up, they would have caused more damage and more chaos, but he's intervening on our behalf.
You can see what he did. He intervened in the book of Exodus multiple different times. You can see it. He intervened on his children's behalf in the word of God, multiple different times. And he is the same God. Then he says, this is the third paragraph,
he says, watch the walls of protection surrounding your FBI. Not only will they fail, but they will fall. Shock will ring across this land. Regarding your FBI, great exposure is coming for every cover up all blackmail and for all destruction for every lie for every crime committed against this country and every American citizen, how long they have been weaponized.
Against you by the Washington establishment and the global government, but my infiltrators are coming forward to destroy their power and their plans against you. And now they tried to silence you and silence the truth, every FBI director and every person, a part of this agency. Will be exposed who are against me They will all fail or fall and the all and all treason committed Against this nation will be exposed and justice will be served now He had me put in this in bold who are all against me And I said the beginning of this prophecy beginning of this live stream Then I doubt everybody everybody in the FBI is bad because they're not We should pray for the ones who are in there who are good.
That's why he reiterates the fact, all the ones who are against me. Because not everybody is against him, that are in these three letter agencies. But he's talking about the ones who are against him, who are plotting with the establishment in Washington, who are plotting with the global government, against us and all the crimes that they've done.
He's going to expose Them and then he go again, he says, all treason committed against this nation will be exposed and justice will be served. Then he starts mentioning some of the FBI directors. Now, in the past, now he's mentioned. Christopher Wray. Not in this one, but in multiple other prophecies, he talks about the destruction of Christopher Wray and how he will be removed.
You're against God, you will be removed. Whether he resigns on his own, he steps down, or whatever, he will be forced. That's what God said. Now, how God does it, I have no idea. Then, now he mentions James Comey. Now James Comey was a previous FBI director. Now I don't want people to get, you know, Um, uh, confused with James Comer, who is awesome.
And he is in the House of Representatives and he's part of this intelligence committee who is exposing Hunter and and, and the Biden. Okay. That's on him. James Comey, not Comer. James Comey. I'm opening the books on you and showing the world every crime you and your agency committed when you were director of the FBI.
Then he goes on to say what they did. So when James Comey was director of the FBI. Okay, let me put this in bold. How you destroyed evidence of crimes committed against this nation by many government officials. So James Comey, along with his FBI, he destroyed evidence of crimes committed against this nation by many government officials.
Then he says, every cover up, every scandal, everything you gave to foreign nations To help take this country down in every way you helped weaken this country will be exposed. I have it all and nothing will stop me and treason will be your end. So again, God talks about even when he says right here, how you destroyed evidence of crimes committed against this nation by many government officials, even though they destroyed evidence, God has it.
God knew what they were going to do before they did it. The evidence God has and the people that God has put in place have this evidence. Of all these crimes that have been committed. Then he goes on to say Robert Mueller. Here's another one. I am not done exposing you and how dirty you really are. I am the judge.
And I am judging you and everyone with you. You have not gotten away with what you have done against my nation. It's all coming out. Remember the Mueller report? Remember how fake and fraudulent that was? Well, God said there's even more. He's not done exposing Robert Mueller and all he's done against this country.
And he says it's all coming out. When God means it's all, it means it's all. Then another paragraph, it says, My children, I will show you how far back the treason goes. So it's greater than what we've seen and greater than what we know. And it will shock you on how much they have done against this nation for years.
But I will not only bring this evil down but restore what should have been all along Who's he talking about when he says they all the enemies of almighty god all the ones that were previous that were directors in the fbi all the ones that have been in the washington establishment All the global government and all the global elites all the people in the house in the senate that were actually against this nation and not for this nation or Received the bribes and took them because you know people did and that's and god is warning those people who took bribes
It will be uncovered. That's what god has been saying All right Now then he says a shake up in your supreme court is about to take place There will be removals in your highest court of the land or united states Now this is not the first time that god has talked about removals of supreme court justices out of the supreme court There's going to be a lot of exposure of supreme court justices And what they've done, how they got there, who paid them to get there, the crimes they have committed.
And of course, of course, if you have illegitimate presidents, not just one, if you have illegitimate presidents and they have appointed certain judges, that appointment is null and void. So previous presidents, president now, the fake one, and the ones before him that were not legitimate, if they appointed a Supreme Court justice.
And there's been a lot of illegitimate presidents, by the way, if they are, because they made us feel like we had free and fair elections when there really wasn't, it was a unit party. So God is going to expose all of this about all these elections that were done previously. And these people that should have never been president.
And it's obviously more than just the Biden. Okay. Now, then he says this will be in the news. Hostile takeover. You will hear this in your news for a significant reason. Hostile takeover. You will hear this in your news for a significant reason. Then he says, no rhyme or reason. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason.
So no rhyme or reason, this is going to be in the news for a surprising reason. And it says, A major weather event will take place in an unusual location. This weather that is not typical in this part of the world. Then he, then he gives where it's at. Watch Africa. Now he doesn't say where in Africa, he says Africa.
And what happens there that is so unusual and shocking that it will bring it will be in your news. You will know it as soon as you see this phenomenon. Now, I don't know if it's exactly this location, but in previous prophecies, he's talked about Egypt and he said the plagues that happened in Egypt were going to happen again.
Now, whether it and he said, watch that location as well was in a different part of Africa, whether it's in Egypt or it happens in both places. It happened in multiple different places. We've already seen a lot of the plagues that happened. The templates that happen in the book of exit already happened.
There's been prophecies being fulfilled about that for a while. All right now, and I, I gave those prophecies fulfilled out. Then it says washed up has been, this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. So washed up has been, this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Then he uses the word pedophile. I say this word again because I am not, so hold on, pedophile. I say this word again because I'm about to expose, listen to this, the biggest one in your government now. So there's Pedophiles in our government now. And he specifically said the word now, then he says, and in the past, so people that are in government now who are pedophiles and in the past who are pedophiles and also in Hollywood, in corporate America and in wall street.
The global government and all over the world. So he's talking about the biggest one in our government now, which I have a feeling a lot of people know who that is people in Hollywood and then corporate America, wall street, the global government, and they're all over the world. Then he says, great judgment is coming to this evil that has been hidden and all the money being thrown at the secret island and the underground tunnels, the secretive businesses.
And who sustained this and kept it going. All the truth is coming out and will destroy the secret society. It's a secret society of pedophiles, sex trafficking, and it's everywhere. And people think it's just Epstein or just Epstein Island. You'll be shocked to find out that it was in our government past and present.
It's in Hollywood. It's in corporate America. It's in wall street. It's in the global government and it's all over the world. These people, and he calls it a great evil. Great judgment is coming to this evil that has been hidden and all the money being thrown at the secret Island. I don't think it's just Epstein Island.
And there's more than just an Island. Then the underground tunnels. Which are all over the place and the secret businesses who sustained this and kept it going. So there's businesses that sustain this secret group or a secret society of all these pedophiles and kept it going. Where do you, how do you think that Epstein had always multi, multi, multi, multi millions of dollars?
Or I don't know if he was a billionaire or not, but I know he's a multimillionaire. What was his job? How do you make his money?
People were throwing money. And then he says, Emmanuel Johnson, the same will be in your news for a shocking reason. Now I want to reiterate, this is not Manuel, who's my friend. This is E manuel, not Manuel, it's E manuel Johnson will be in your news for a shocking reason. I just want to say that it's not my friend Manuel. This is Emanuel.
All right. Then it says my children get ready for unusual events to start taking place one right after another. He says you have moved into a time of the unusual to get you out of the normal and you should have never known a normal that we should have never known. Then he says, so hold on in this time of a great and unusual moves for your freedoms.
It's almost over. So keep fighting, keep standing and keep celebrating saith the Lord of hosts. So again, he says, unusual events will happen and take place one right after another. We're moving into the time of the unusual. So things that are normal aren't, aren't normal and he's going to show you and he says you should have never known.
So hold on this time of a great and unusual moves and he says it again, unusual events and unusual moves, unusual events, unusual moves for our freedoms. It's almost over. So keep fighting, keep standing and keep celebrating. Say it's the Lord of hosts. So in this time of great exposures, all the things have been covered up will no longer be covered up because he's uncovering this all, all these things, all these people, it's going to be, this is what's going to usher in the shock and the awe of everything that's been going on and not only this nation and our government and what's been going on in governments and nations all around the world.
Okay. And again, what happened at our border yesterday or day before that? I think it was the day before that. Where there was, God's been saying a lot, exposures on our border. And this was another prophecy that was fulfilled. There was a terrorist leader. He was bragging, you're too stupid to know who I am.
You're too stupid to know who I am. You don't know who I am, if you knew who I was. And he kept saying that to this person that was recording them coming across the border. And then they did facial recognition on this person and he was a leader of a terrorist group and they allowed, he's, he was allowed into our nation.
Now God has been saying again about these terrorist cells. He's been saying what's been going on the border. He's been talking about the viruses. He's been talking about all these things that the government's doing against us. He's been talking about all these things and he's saying, hey. Don't fear this, unusual events, unusual moves will be taking place and he is going to be our defender, our protector, our advocate, our standby, our fortress, our strong tower, our deliverer.
So don't be afraid and I want to pray that you don't get into fear when all this starts taking place because what we've seen literally what we've seen with exposures is nothing about what's going to happen in this year. Nothing. It's minuscule about what God's going to bring out. So, Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, I lift up every person right now with the sound of my voice.
And I bind that spirit of fear in the name of Jesus Christ. You will not have God's people. You will not deceive them and lead them in the wrong direction. I command right now that tormenting, that tormenting spirit of fear, you shut your foul mouth against son of almighty God. And I thank you father God that your children have you saying your word that you don't give us a spirit of fear.
But a power of love and have a sound mind. So I thank you, Father God, right now for a sound mind. And I thank you, Father God, that you are uncovering, uncovering, uncovering all this treason. Uncovering, Father God, all this evil. Uncover all the crimes, Father God. And I thank you that justice is being served across this nation.
Justice is being served. Across the world. We thank you father god that as judgment is coming and as judgment is drawing near And as you father god are placing judgment on our enemies We thank you that you are protecting us father god, just like you did in the land of goshen I praise you when I thank you father god that we have a blood covenant with you And no matter a thousand may fall at one side and ten thousand another it shall not Come near us, because you said in your word, no up and forming against us shall prosper.
So every plot, plan, and scheme, every terrorist attack, or everything they're trying to do with viruses, everything they're trying to do with the economy, everything they're trying to do against this election, it will fall flat and come to an end. To nothing, because you are our defender. You are our ultimate defender, Father God, and you stand before our enemies and before us.
And I thank you that you are protecting us. And nothing our enemies have planned, you said you bring their plans to no effect. So we thank you, no matter what they're doing, no matter what they say, and no matter what form they try to use against us, Father God, I thank you that you are annihilating them, and you're bringing them to nothing, and we thank you for your word, and we thank you for your covenant, and we thank you for your truth, Father God, Amen.
That setting each and every one of us free, we're calling our nation alive this day. And every day we call the United States of America united before almighty God. We thank you heavenly father, that they will not kill this nation, that they will not destroy what you have made. And I thank you, Father God, it is making us stronger.
It's making us more united. And what Satan meant for harm, you're turning it into something good. And I thank you that people are awakened. And that people, Father God, are holding on to your words more than they ever have in times past. And I thank you for your joy that you're giving to them, because your joy is our strength.
The joy of the Lord is our strength. And we thank you, Father God, for the strength That we persevere, we rise above everything their enemies are trying to do. And we thank you that your will is done, and not theirs. And we thank you for it in Jesus name, amen and amen. That is how we stand and hold that line and never give up and quit on the enemy.
No matter if it looks like we're surrounded, if it looks like we're outnumbered, if it looks like all hope is lost. You hold that line line and you hold on to the word of god now If you need any if you have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at jgm international. org under our contact page Or you can write us at julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street suite 200 Downport, iowa 52807 and I know So if you guys missed it yesterday, there are new cups in it's God wins.
You can go to three sons threads. com. They're still in stock. And also you can get, I think, I think there's, but God's still in stock. They might not be, I don't, I don't know. But I know God's wins are still in stock. So if you want any more other Julie green ministries, merchandise, you can go to three sons threads.
com and all the proceeds. That would have originally gone to this ministry. We did not take it and we give it to various charities So I just want to let you guys know if you want any cups, they're still available So I hope each and every one of you have are encouraged today that god wins Okay, and if he wins so to each and every one of you.
Well, god loves you. I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day
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