7 months ago

Frank O'Collins (UCADIA.ORG) Blog Archives
00:00:13 Part 1 ... 1661-1840 The Curse Against The Patriots - (Jul. 10, 2014)
01:05:07 Part 2 ... 1840 - 1939 The False God of Perpetual War - (Jul. 17, 2014)
02:26:43 Part 3 ... 1939 - 2012 The Real Dream Vs. The False Truth - (Jul. 25, 2014)
03:14:44 Part 4 ... 1860 - 1876 The Truth about Lincoln and the Union - (December 11, 2014)
04:28:00 Part 5 ... The Rise of the Fascist Fourth Reich of the Roman Cult - (March 12, 2015)

The American Dream is life brought to you via "Bethlehem" and not Babylon or Zion. A lot of what Frank says to me rings true. Am I wrong to think that discernment is a key competence when connecting the dots? The United States of America and "The American Dream" were truly founded by patriots, heroes, men, and women with the utmost for truth, justice, and liberty. Beware of the shady snaky "Amorican" pirates/parasites.
"Yet I want you to consider a thought and keep it in the back of your mind as we go through the details of these blogs and audios - is this dream any less real if the world itself is a dream? Is this ideal dream and Utopia promoted by the United States to the rest of the world for decades any less worthy just because the people in charge and bankers have used it as a façade to hide their real intentions? I put it to you: there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can justify the desecration of the "American Dream" - as this dream is one of the greatest hopes of humanity - for there remains nothing defective or dishonest concerning the words of the Declaration of Independence today much less over two hundred years ago. If anything, the revelation of the truth is about exposing the lie- that all of it – all the treaties, the statutes, the bonds, the trusts, the corporations, the rituals are an elaborate ruse to keep those who run America and the military of America trapped and subservient to an old and rotting world of the Roman Cult and elite families. There is no reason that the American Dream cannot be made completely real once the corruption and madness of how we got into this mess are properly revealed.
Yet as I hope you will also agree, the very notion of slavery is not only immoral but completely anti-Christian when you consider the sacred scripture of Matthew 7:12 attributed to Jesus where he states to the effect that all are equal before the law and none are above it. Thus to treat a fellow member of our species as a piece of property less than an animal is to be a heretic and apostate to the Christian faith, and any society that follows or endorses such laws against the teachings of Jesus could not possibly be considered a Christian society by any reasonable means but an Anti-Christ and a Belial and an Imposter or “Satan” and adversary to Christian ideals and civilized society". - Frank O'Collins
Hello, this is Frank O’Collins Thank you for listening to the Ucadia Blog. If this is your first time coming to listen to the Ucadia Blog, then welcome!
Whether or not this is the first time you have heard of Ucadia or the Ucadia Blog, I fully comprehend how some may feel a little reluctant to listen to some of this information. As I have been saying repeatedly in blogs over recent months, there is a steady and marked trend in increasingly desperate chatter trying to stop people from reading or hearing about much of the information discussed through Ucadia. All kinds of rumors fear-mongering and false information are designed to “turn people off” from reading and listening about such fundamental subjects as who really are the Illuminati and the Ruling Elite. What is the ultimate source of their power? What is their agenda? Is there any way out of this madness? And what can we do about it?

Similarly, when I have written and spoken about the essential power of a sacred vow or oath to yourself with the Divine Creator; and that it is “kryptonite” against any and all pseudo-legal systems and false and fascist religions and governments, there have been all kinds of howls of protest by people misquoting deliberately false and absurd 18th century inclusions in the Bible speaking about how we should never make oaths or vows. I mean, a fundamental principle of law and the formation of any valid Office and Trust dating back thousands and thousands of years in every major civilization, including Rome, before the time of Jesus, and people are harping on and attacking Ucadia because they believed the words of a few lying necromancers that Jesus forbids such crucial vows and oaths! This is the kind of madness I keep speaking about when intelligent people are first sent mad by deliberate contradictions included in the Bible to render them utterly stupid and useless in effecting any positive change on the planet. A classic example is the fact that on the one hand, it is made abundantly clear that Jesus was supposed to be no fan of the banks, moneylenders, or lawyers – especially when he turned over their tables in the temple.

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