His Glory TV - Prophetic Horizons with Donné Clement Petruska on His Glory - Captions

1 year ago

Our guest for today is Donné Clement Petruska, daughter of the late prophet Kim Clement. And she is a speaker at the reawaken America tours. She is also the vice president of the house of destiny network, and she's been on with us many, many times. So Donné, welcome back to his glory.

Hello. Thanks for having me. It's lovely to be here again. I love you guys. Well, we love you and we love to have you on here. So anytime we can get you, we certainly try. So it's an honor having you on. And Donné, there's so much going on in the world. I mean, 2024 started off with a bang and it has not slowed down a bit, even though we're in February.

But I want to start off first talking about your dad's prophecy from Nashville from 2011 about the Esther that will rise up. I'm going to play the clip and then I'll get your take on it. Here it is. Deliver us now. Deliver us. Bring deliverance, Lord. Deliver us from this enemy that has endeavored to handicap us.

And Lord, the betrayal that has been so evident in the White House. Bring that to an end.

I see a president that shall come. And this is not to speak bad about this one. There is a president to come, who will come. God says you will have absolutely no fear. Absolutely no fear. Will be decisive, make decisions.

And then in the middle of the, of, of the, Restoration, Of America. Rapidly because of a source of energy that shall come, Quickly. And because of medical breakthroughs, And because of agreements between nations, specifically China. God said they shall say we never dreamed this would happen. They said that this in Japan would never happen.

But God says listen to me. As the beginning of the restoration, as it begins, there shall be a woman that shall rise up. A woman that shall be strong in faith, virtuous. Beautiful in eyes and her eyes shall be so beautiful. I shall be round and big. I have crowned her says the Lord. As I crowned Esther. The people shall receive her.

For she shall have the oil of gladness. For the pain and the mourning that has taken place and she shall pour out the oil. Is there some oil here? Please Marty. There's some oil. She shall pour out the oil on this nation and God says healing shall begin and then it shall flow rapidly. Schools will be free from potential damage and danger, shootings and murder, drug addiction.

Cartels shall be afraid of a woman. A woman anointed by God. A woman set aside and God says they will say we hated her, but now we love her for she shall take the oil of healing and she shall pour it upon the scars of those left and those right and of the new party that has come forth and emerged.

Where they shall say Christ will reign and this we shall not implement at all socialism Where we will where they have said we will make history without God. No, you will not No, you will not says the Lord, but I chose this nation before it was founded Before anybody came here, I chose this entire nation, all 50 states, every one of them, to send my gospel to the entire earth.

Do you think I have changed my mind? Therefore, the healing that is necessary for this nation shall come. At a time in the middle of the presidency, there shall be a woman that shall come. And God said there shall be oil that shall be poured upon the nation and they shall suddenly feel the healing and they shall say it is well with my soul, it is well with our soul, for the soul of America has been corrupted, the soul of this nation has been corrupted with bitterness and anger and God said she shall say no more bitterness, no more anger, no more division and shall pour the oil that shall come from the spirit of the Lord himself.

If you as a nation believe that, if you want this, lift your voice and

All right, Donné. So I know that on your shows, you've talked about this Esther prophecy many times. So what is your take on this? And do you believe that it's currently being fulfilled? Yes, I do believe it's being fulfilled. And I do think that a lot of the things that my dad prophesied about We're sort of an accumulation of the time we're in, but this Esther prophecy has really been, it's been kind of a difficult one for me, if I'm honest, because so many people have been trying to figure that one out.

And it's like, in the beginning, you hear what he said. I see a president to come. He'll be decisive. He'll make decisions. I see him signing things. He'll have no fear. And you can, you can see, he's seeing Trump. I mean, that's obvious. But then he sees this woman who will rise up in the, and the way he says it is he says in the middle of the presidency, you can see he's sort of not sure what he's seeing.

That's because we've got two terms for Trump with an interrupted term, right? So the middle of that, the middle of Trump's two terms was 2022. So the middle of the middle. And what I saw, and look, I keep getting myself into trouble. Trying to see, like, years ago, during Trump's first presidency, in the middle of it, first term, sorry, in the middle of it was when Amy Coney Barrett, when he chose her for the Supreme Court.

And I was so sure that I had all these prophecies figured out. I really learned a lot through this experience about prophecy. God has been teaching me about how it works. And you really have to have a longer vision and be a little bit more patient. Because when a prophecy is fulfilled, it's, it's. Nobody should have to really tell you.

It should be obvious to everyone. I'm not the person who announces this is the person my dad was. You should be able to tell yourself. I am here because I have all this footage and I have the experience of being around prophets. And the prophetic my whole life. I know nothing else. So I have a unique perspective to present this.

But I have sort of gotten myself into a pickle here and there. And that one of them was with the Amy Coney Barrett. So it's, I'm, I'm cautious about the prophecy. Because a lot of people message about it. A lot of people watch it. And because it's so obviously he's talking about Trump, he's talking about this time we're in, you see, he talked about China agreements made with China and people will say, we never dreamed this could happen which has already happened.

That's almost every day. Yeah. And so you start to look at, at there's so much for being fulfilled. You know, in real time. But if you look at, if you think about two terms for Trump and the, in the middle of those two terms, we've got the Biden administration, you get the 22 midterm elections, what happened to Keri Lake?

First of all, when my dad prophesied that Trump would have two terms, he was in Maricopa County in Arizona when he prophesied that. That is incredible, Donné. I mean, that, I don't know that most people know that. No, I, you don't notice, you know, you'll see the, the, the date and the location. And we always put that whenever we release prophecies or whatever prophecy footage we have, we always make sure the date and location are there because that's very important.

Dates are important and so are locations. And so him just being in on the soil of Arizona, where we saw so much election fraud happen. And you saw that happen to Keri Lake, that election was stolen from her. And there she rose up. She has big, beautiful eyes. She's a virtuous woman. And she's been very courageous.

And then you hear him say it cartels. will be afraid of a woman, a woman anointed by God. Now think about that. For a cartel to be afraid of a woman, she would have to be in some kind of a position of authority that would affect them in some way. And so if you think about someone on a border, at a border state, would be dealing with the cartel.

So that's why I've been looking at Keri Lake. Now I can't say for certain, because things are in the middle of unfolding. And I have to, I have to answer to God too. I can't just go shouting out. Oh, it's this person and that person. Like I'm the decider. I'm not. Yeah. But the prophecy also said that she would be set aside.

Yes. And so she didn't win that election, but yet she has not stopped fighting. That's right. That happened. Yeah. Yes. And, and the interesting thing is in another I think it was February 22nd of 2014. Okay. Okay. When my dad was prophesying all the stuff that he was prophesying about all the things, that was such an amazing day.

That's when he saw the impeachments. That's when he saw two from the Supreme Court will step down for the embarrassment of what would happen. That's when he saw God not being satisfied with the Democrats or the Republicans. That day was incredible. And when he was prophesying about Trump that day, he said he would be set aside.

And when he prophesied about the Esther who would arise, he also said she would be set aside. So. This is something Trey Smith actually noticed and brought to my attention years ago about my dad. I'm sorry, about Trump, what my dad said about Trump and being set aside. And then About the estrous is the same thing and both of them had an election stolen from them.

Both of them have been victims of fraud So when you accumulate all of what has occurred that we know has happened and what is going on like for instance Where he prophesied that from and you have Kerry Lake there in that same state. It is a border state We do have an issue with cartels in bed with the government so it starts to make sense, but we're not quite there yet.

So this is something it's, it's, it's I did have Trey Smith come and join me to talk about, about that a couple of weeks ago on the live show. I do, I do a live show, it's called code breakers live, and I do it on YouTube and rumble and X, which was Twitter and also on our network. And I do that live on Sundays now, so that I can see comments and.

And take questions and we can pull up prophecy and it's easy for me to pull it up. And so this is the, this Esther prophecy. We are in the middle of watching that fulfillment, but this year in particular, this is the year we're going to be seeing a lot of these things fulfilled. And I have been anticipating 2024 for a long time.

I'm actually a little bit nervous. I am too, but you know what, Donné, you know, she is thought to be one of the picks for vice president. Now, isn't that interesting? Interesting, isn't it? Yeah. And she, I mean, of course we can't confirm yet because president Trump has not come out and said who he's considering, but, you know, rumor is that she is one of them.

And why not? She supported him from the beginning. She's fault. So hard against fake elections and election fraud and, you know, and she was just in the news recently for turning down a bribe so she can't be bought. She can't be bribed. She's not part of the deep state. So why not? You know, so I just think that's incredible.

But the cool part about it, Donné, is that. Your dad prophesied that she would spread the healing oil on both those left and right. And, and at first they would hate her, but then she would spread that oil and then a new party would emerge. And this was, he was seeing the MAGA movement and he was seeing what was going to happen.

God being dissatisfied with the Democrats and the Republicans, both parties, God be dissatisfied. And sort of take over. And so, and, and what was revealed through these prophecies is that God has a plan that is quite brilliant. And so that's hopeful in all of this because, you know, we get very, like I said, it's been very stressful.

I mean, what we've been through over the last decade, I would say is been outrageous and it's just gotten worse and worse and worse. And so, again, when I see these prophecies, it's, it gives me hope. Like I have. And me myself as a person. And so to be able to share that has been, has been an honor. And it's been an experience, you know, we're all kind of walking through together and it's really helped me to, to heal from losing my dad.

And being able to actively be a part of who he was and what he was doing as his child and having lost him that I can, I have this to share it's, it's been really an honor and a blessing and it's grown me and my relationship with God in ways I never imagined. So. That's amazing, Donné, and you know, you're anointed for this time, and I've told you this so many times on here, but when you speak at those reawaken America tours, you can literally hear a pin drop in the room.

Everybody is just so focused on your words and what you're saying, and you've definitely been anointed to share. These prophecies of your dad. And I know that he would be very, very proud of you and the work that you're doing. And so he was a beacon of hope for so many, and, you know, many didn't even know who he was, but they do now because there's been so much attention drawn, especially to these Trump prophecies.

And speaking of hope, I want to get into this next clip, Donné. And this is something that you recently found from TBN from January of 1996. Where your dad talks about what he's seeing in the future, which is where God is going to invade every powerful system and bring a revival, but not a normal revival, he says, it's going to affect more than just people, but also systems and nations.

Here's the clip. All right, Kim, give me a little ideas of how do you think when, when, when we really move into the fullness, what's the manifestation going to be like? What are we going to literally see? I mean, is everybody going to get saved? Well, why not? But no, but not so. Of course, no, we know that's not possible, but well, it's possible, but it's not going to happen because we know the predictions that there will always be an evil world.

Yes. I see the Jesus. Then when Jesus was on the earth, the way he operated and he was amongst those people and he was affecting them from within. And I like to use Moses because Moses went with in the system and was trained by it, came out and then God said, what's it in your hand? Oh, it's a staff. He said, no, it's not.

Throw it down. I'll tell you what, I'll show you what it is. And if it scares you, then it's going to scare the people you go to. And it did. It scared him. He ran away from it. So God's going to take the, you think about it, what are we presenting to mankind? We're saying, if you really want to be used by God, come and be a minister or come and be a, an evangelist or come and be a teacher.

But actually they've got something in their hand that God's given them to affect the world that they're living in. In other words, we can't just bring them to church and say, now be a part of our revival. And then, you know, and people say this to me in my meetings, they say, you know, you don't have enough altar calls.

I'm so tired of hearing that because most of them don't bring sinners to get saved anyway. The mandate, the biblical mandate is to go and tell, to go into the nations. So I believe this is going to be where God's going to invade every powerful system, and he's going to take it from within, and he's going to bring a revival from within those systems and those kingdoms.

So Donne, I love his message there, and like you said, he brings so much hope, but first I want to know, how did you find this interview? On YouTube, we actually have, we actually, we do actually have it in, in our database. And I think we have actually digitized it, but somebody else, or actually TBN posted it.

It was TBN who posted it on their YouTube channel. And I remembered the interview. What I remember him doing it because I was about 16 at the time and there he was with Lance wall now and Matt crouch and Paul and Jan crouch. And so we had to post it as soon as I found that. I was like, oh, my goodness.

We have this. Let's post it. And I'm so, I'm so glad we did. Everybody was looking at Lance and they were like, oh, my goodness. Look how young Lance was. And they were both very, I mean, I'm 44 now. And my dad was 40 years old in that interview. So it's sort of given me a little bit of perspective on time as well, but you know, really what, what my dad was seeing and he, God repeatedly showed this to him was he like he's like you said he didn't want to call it a revival.

He felt like. And I know this now because I've had, this is from my own conversations with him about this, is he, he didn't want to call it a revival because he felt like that term had become redundant within, within the church. And nothing, not that he was against revival. It was just, you know, it was like, Oh, we're going to have a revival.

And, and the meaning, the true meaning of that sort of kind of got lost and it becoming normalized maybe. But he was seeing something far greater. He, he had told me on other occasions and prophesied this. That all of the previous moves and revivals of the past, you could put them all together in one, and it would not even compare.

And also, something that was very important to him was, you know, when you're a Christian and you grow up in church, especially if you are, let's say your parents are pastors or the family is in the church, there's an expectation to become a minister, to become a pastor. Truly, there are people who are called to do that.

That is what God has called them to do. And they're anointed and doing that. But everybody can't be a pastor and everybody can't be in ministry, but we are Christians and there is a need for that. There to be Christians within these institutions that have been overcome. We've seen an infiltration of everything, everything from our leadership in politics, our entertainment in Hollywood and in music medical, like in every single thing that we, we can trust has been infiltrated.

And so, because this is so big, God is going to have a very big reaction and what my dad was seeing was in, in the contrast to how bad this is, what God's going to be is going to be that much better and it much something the world has never seen, just like all this bad stuff that we've never seen anything like this before, what we're about to see God do, we're going to be saying in a good way.

We've never seen anything like this before. He saw cures for diseases, Alzheimer's, cancer autism brain disorders. He saw cures for those, and, you know, if you, if you look at some of the stuff that's coming out now, we already know that they actually have cures for a lot of these things, but they don't want to release it because they're making too much money.

Big Pharma. This is another one of these. So the, the idea is here. That Christians need to be in those institutions. They need to be in Congress. They need to be in the Senate. They need to be doctors. They need to be entertainers. So that that influence is not so lopsided. Because we're seeing such a chaotic mess.

Because it's like everything's tilted like this so far, that everyone's falling off the side. So it has to be knocked back. If you were to imagine it like a seesaw, it would have to be knocked back up to level, back out like a scale. And you know, that happens. Throughout history, but it's different this time and that we know that if we read the Bible, you can see so much that was prophesied in the Bible by the Old Testament prophets.

And in the book of Revelation, you see, uh, a lot of it's coming to pass. You look at. For instance, the Euphrates River drying up and you read Revelation 13 and it talks about the, the path made whatever it's, I've, I've read like three different versions of that today alone, but so that the way of the, the, the kings of the East can march upon the West.

That's actually the best translation. And that is what we're seeing. And we are seeing the river Euphrates dry up for the first time. So it's different this time. It's not just like an old cycle of history. We're in something new. And. He also saw the, what he called it, the American party. He saw scales removed from eyes and that they would be one, they were one, one party of people.

And amongst them was this one but the, the, the key thing about him was that he was amongst them. And if you look at Trump, he went in as one of us. He wasn't part of that system. He wasn't part of the deep state. He knew them. He mingled with it. But he, and so he was able to see what was going on and the need for it.

But he was that one amongst them. He's with us, he's on our side. And at this stage, we've had to deal with so much betrayal that it's sort of like in the end, it's not because, because we don't want to glorify Trump beyond what he can handle, you, you can't put everything on Donald Trump. He is the face, the representative of this movement.

Upon him is the spirit of King David to fight this, but we have to also remember that God is actually the one in control of this. Absolutely. So, you know, I have a lot of people that watch me, they say, we shouldn't make, it's actually not fair to do that to Trump. I look at, I feel, I have a lot of compassion for him because I look at him and I think this is a lot of responsibility.

I mean, you really have to be, I feel like God actually made Donald Trump for this. Because I, I can't see anybody else in the world being able to tolerate the amount of of things that, that he has had to go through from the lawsuits and the accusations. It just, people are so outrageous. It is demonic the way that people are about him.

They hear his name and they just start going crazy. And you can see it's a demonic thing. It is. When you see that, always remember whatever the enemy's doing, God can do so much better. God's going to fix it. There's going to be a counter. There always is. And so the counter we see is that, that this great move, the spirit that the word revival doesn't even do justice to.

And part of what we have to do in this fight is to go out into the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus everywhere. And, and, and. Not always just try to, Oh, I'm going to be a pastor because I'm, I'm a Christian. So I want to be a pastor. If you're a call to be a pastor, you will, but maybe God's called you.

Like, what are you good at? Go into the world and carry that inside of you and be a light in a dark place. Cause that's actually what we need right now. And that's how it's going to infiltrate all the systems is when you have those people who put God first and they're in all those professions and they're in the news media and they're the ones.

You know, that are are the doctors and the attorneys and, you know, the list goes on and on. And that's when you're going to start to feel this shift. And, you know, you brought up another important fact to Donné. And that was when your dad prophesied that the scales would fall from their eyes. That's why all of this had to happen because we were completely asleep.

And most people had no idea until COVID hit what their children were being taught in school. What was going on, you know, behind closed doors with our government, what the ultimate plan was. And COVID just sped that up, but it opened people's eyes. And so now look at the polls, Donné. I mean, Donald Trump.

They're awake. Yes. Yes. He's been a trumpet. Hasn't he? Just like a big loud noise. Like, Hey, everybody, wake up. Have a look. Yes. And that is, you know, so I think so fitting that God said that through my dad, Trump will be a trumpet. Yeah, and he has in more ways than one and there are even people that I know personally that, you know, a couple years ago couldn't stand him and they're saying now, okay, I'm going to vote for him because, you know, they'll still say, well, I don't like everything he says, but considering everything that happened.

Okay. You know what? We'll take it. But, you know, their eyes are starting to open. And so I am so grateful for that, but it had to happen this way. Otherwise they never would have seen it. Yeah. And so, yeah. That's the blessing in this. And this again, as your dad prophesied was a plan. So brilliant. It could only have come from God.

That's right. And so before we run out of time, I do have one more clip done a, that I want to get your take on. And this is a prophecy that many are sharing. And they're saying is specifically for 2024. Here's the clip. The nations, the nations are in uproar as we all know,

but the spirit of God has spoken clearly. These are his words. Yours is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

And yet you see the fear and the trembling from my people. What is this?

What fear? would be instilled in you by the media that paints the pictures of doom, plume, the prognosticators of this time. And they say, how shall we rid ourselves of ISIS and pacts made with Iran, our enemies. Spirit of God says, this will do it. This tiny instrument that people use every second, I shall do something that shall expose what is taking place in Iran, Iraq, throughout the Middle East, but Iran specifically, there shall be an exposure and they shall say such a tiny thing brought the truth out.

And such a tiny thing brought that which was supposed to be upright and yet they are presently at this very moment packing together with Russia and laughing at this president and laughing at this nation God says I will have the last laugh why because as I have said throughout the summer there shall be one exposure after the other And then I suddenly saw a word that I don't enjoy speaking.

That word was revival. And I said, Lord, what do you mean revival? He said, Kim, the people are praying for North Korea, Iran, China, yet the church is growing in China faster than anywhere else in the world. Yet the church in Iran underneath is greater than the church in the West. No, this nation needs revival.

God says they have died and said the naturalism, the naturalism, secular humanism, I'm exposing them one minute at a time. And even as you have seen the truth about the little children that are being destroyed and how they laugh about it, God said, today, I show you that I'm about to pour it upon my people, those who have given those who have sowed and those who have stood the test of time.

I'm about to pour upon them unimaginable favor says the spirit of god I will heal bodies like i've never healed before I will raise even the dead as they have said it cannot happen I will do signs and wonders not signs and blunders but signs and wonders says the lord as this earth has never seen I will begin in china Then I will move to iran in the middle east and then I shall flame this country again under the leadership of a righteous president says So a couple highlights from that clip, Donné.

They say fear and trembling from my people. What is this by the media that paints the pictures of doom and gloom? Well, there you go. That's the mainstream media. Your dad talks about packs being made with Iran and Russia exposure specifically in Iran. He says that it's such a tiny thing, but that the truth will come out.

And again, PAX with Russia and they're saying, and this was the interesting part, Dineh, he said, they are laughing at this president and this nation. Well, what other time in history, Dineh, has our president been made more fun of than right now? I mean, just go on social media with all the blunders of Biden.

And it really is embarrassing. It's terrible. And you know, just yesterday, I just saw whatever, whenever he got up to speak about that bill, they're passing the border thing and I could not understand what he was even saying. And that, that made me so nervous because I thought, okay, what are the leaders of Iran thinking right now?

They're like opportunity and these are the people shouting death to America and I mean my dad saw quite a bit about Russia and Iran this it's not just this time there were a numerous occasions March 20th of 2014 He, he was prophesying already. He said which isn't the date you just played. It's, it's a different date, but he was prophesying this.

He prophesied this more than once. And he said Russia will join their hands with Iran. Another date in 2015, he actually said Hamas too. There's another time in April of 2015 where he saw the wall that would not be completed because of the takeover. And then he points to Iran and he kept also ringing the bell about Saudi Arabia.

I found most interesting about this is the phone. You know what we have this week is that Tucker Carlson, Putin interview. Yes, I know that's tonight or soon. It's soon. So I'm very excited to, to watch that. Because of what he saw about the phone, I'm kind of looking at that, but I'm actually going to probably release this on prophetic rewind on our network this coming Monday.

Or this next week, we will probably release that prophecy again, because until you played it for me, I had actually forgotten about it. But definitely, I mean, if you look at the countries, he's naming and then the, the circumstances and you start to accumulate all of those points and then you look at the moment we're in and you're recognizing so many of them.

It really is indicative of the, of the time. So, again, it goes, we go back to 2024. This is. Yeah. This is the year, like, it's such a crucial year, my heart starts racing. Yeah, and it's the year of exposure too. I mean, we already started off with the Epstein list starting to come out. We still have more that needs to come out, but that, which should have came out years ago, but that's coming out, you know, the House Judiciary Committee and the Ways and Means Committee continue their investigation with all these agreements with China.

With the Biden family and other things. And of course, one of the other highlights that started in 2023 was truly the attack on the children, which this prophecy talks about as well and says the truth about the children will come out. So with sound of freedom and whistleblowers like Tara Lee wrote us from the HHS that came out and said, the United States literally is the middle man in child human trafficking with this border invasion.

And so. We're continuing to see exposure about that, which is truly, in my opinion, the pandemic and the entire world right now is this horrific human child trafficking. Yeah, it is. It really is. If you look, it looks through biblical history. Every time God did something great. With, with Moses and with Jesus himself, there was the enemy was trying to take out the children to take out that generation.

And so it is very important for us to pay attention right now with abortion and child traffic and the things that are going on the ritualistic and ancient evil things. And gender affirming care, because then they can't have children. So again, it's an attack on depopulation and they, they call us useless eaters.

That's how the devil sees us. Yes. Everything you hear, like if you just go listen to the world economic forum, it could literally be the devil talking when those people don't, when you've all know a Harari or Klaus Schwab, get up there. Yes. You literally, it could be the devil talking to me. And if I closed my eyes, I wouldn't know the difference.

So, it's not like it's hard to find if you want to find it, you can find what the devil's up to. It's very easy to see, but it is very good to know that God has a plan and this is actually the purpose of prophecy. It's not just to. you know, to entertain somebody or shock them. It's actually got a purpose and, and that purpose is multifaceted and layered and layered because it's for everybody.

Prophecy is for everybody. We are an army of Christians who really need to be using our prophetic gift. And that is a gift of the Holy Spirit. And all of us have it. My dad was in the office of, but we are what my dad called and he prophesied this in 1993. God showed him this the warriors of the new millennium.

Oh, I like that. That's what we are. And it is, that's what we are. If you love freedom, you love God. That's what you have to be in this time. He has called us to be a warrior with whatever your skill set is. And I think that's why he was also seeing the spirit of King David and how important that was. My dad loved King David too, but he saw, because he saw himself in King David a lot.

You know, my dad was a worshipper. He played instruments and worshipped and, and that's, you know, you've got David with the Psalms and the importance of the things he did. So, it all ties together, just the fact that my dad did love King David. And then, in the end, everything he prophesied about had to do with an army that would Carry that spirit of King David.

Well, I'm going to quote him, too, because this was amazing. Donné, at the end of this clip, he says, I'm going to pour on them favor, healing like never before, raising the dead. And he said, I'm going to begin in China, then the Middle East. Then I will put this country under a righteous president. And so that's right.

I, that makes me so happy. It's just, I'm comforted immediately. Just, okay. God's got this. And you know what, we have to navigate through the madness and it is very difficult and we must really as Christians to not allow ourselves to become divided too easily. I see a lot of that going on. I think, I think there's a, there's things that we can disagree on aren't as important right now because we're facing collectively as Christians, we are facing an enemy that we've never faced before quite like this.

And so God's got our back. Let us know through my dad and other prophets my dad's not the only one, but he was, he was definitely for this time. And he had to come from somewhere else. My dad came from South Africa and I think God needed someone from somewhere else to come in and be the prophet to this nation.

And that is what he did. He did. And you know what, Donné, you're continuing on with showing all of his prophecies and clips and God, you know, you're seeking God on which ones to show and I don't know. You're you're a bright light during this time. And so I just want to say thank you. I know I use your dad's clips all the time in the news to say, okay, this is the good news.

Yes, you know, which is different from what we're seeing play out in the physical. And let me give you some spiritual news. And a lot of times I use your dad's clips. So, sadly we are at a time, but I want everybody to know where they can go, your website and how to find more prophecies on your dad. Okay.

It's pretty easy. You can go to kimclement. com. That's the website. We have the house of destiny network that he and my mom built. It's an online network. And so we have, All through the week, we have all kinds of things just like you guys are doing his glory. Same thing. And all through the week, we have a different different shows that we do different broadcasts.

Mondays is prophetic rewind Tuesdays. We have real life, real faith where they sit down and talk about day to day issues that Christians deal with. Wednesdays, we have a mid week church service. Thursdays, Charlie prophesy with my dad and play the bass. They were just very, very close and he did prophesy with my dad and so many prophetic songs were birthed between the two of them.

Well, he has a show on Thursdays called prophetic perspectives and that's a new one. And then on Fridays, we have Israel update with Christy Desfontaine and Doobie Saba. And Christy, we've known Christy and her mother since I was a baby. She wasn't born yet, but I, we, my parents met her mother and her mother had a huge effect and impact on my dad's life, especially later on helping him to understand the importance of Israel and it really changed a lot in him and Christy.

It's very knowledgeable about the Jewish history. She's learning Hebrew. She, her heart is for Israel. And so she has run our Israel update channel for years now. I can't count how many years we're going to have her on the news to talk about some of that. Yeah. She does. I heard that. I'm so excited.

You guys are, you're good. You are just going to be. It's so impressed to my, you know, she's incredible and she runs our Israel update channel and they have that every Friday and we've got to be Sabo who is actually on the ground and he was also with my dad from for all the years. My dad would tour through Israel.

He always had to be with him and do be there on the ground in Israel, giving us updates. Every single week about what is going on there. And so we have a way of bypassing trying to see what the media is saying, because we've got to be on the ground saying that this is what's happening. And this is what's happening.

And it's been really, really helpful to a lot of people. So I really encourage everybody to go over there and look at that. And then on Saturdays, my mom gets, you know, we Saturday's the big day for our network and my mom gets. Up there and she does current events and I join her and Christy joins her and we're just getting in the Bible there and she's looking at the news and she's reading the Bible and God really has anointed her for this time too.

And then of course, Sundays I do code breakers live so you can find all of those things also on the social media sites like YouTube, rumble X, truth, any of them were on all of them, Facebook, Instagram. I don't go into Facebook and Instagram anymore, but we're there. The ministry is there. So, you can just search Kim Clement and you will find.

Or house of destiny. And you'll find our social media sites and we post everything on those as well. Well, perfect done a, thank you again so much for being with us today and everybody watching, make sure you check out the house of destiny and check out more of Kim Kim's shows as well as Donné, her mom and Christie, they do phenomenal work.

Donné, God bless you. Thank you for the work you're doing. Thank you to everybody watching. Thank you so much for tuning in today. God bless you and go in his Shalom.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video may be watched here:

👉 https://rumble.com/v4cerpl

His Glory Ministries
P.O. Box 989
Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75456
(440) 482-2908

✝️ The Bible is the literal and infallible Word of God.
✝️ My house shall be called a house of prayer. Prayer is the foundation of this ministry.
✝️ We are led by the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.
✝️ We have the Father's Heart for the lost, the poor, the elderly, the widow and the orphans.
✝️ We will be called the servants of the Most High God. We are here to serve Him in ministry.
✝️ In everything we do, we glorify our Lord. It is our love for Him that compels us.
✝️ Fivefold ministry according to Eph. 4:11 - the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

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