Are the Democratic Candidates a bunch of TRAITORS?! (Reupload 2019)

11 months ago

Could not have aged better with the current immigration crisis. Even back then I didn't think it would get this bad. OG Description;

Short answer; Yes.

Check out the whole reason I started an internet presence, the REAL video! The Form of All Reality and its Relationship with Time, it explains ya know, the form of all reality and how it relates to time. Fun stuff if you like Dad jokes and philosophy! Your God is in there somewhere too! Give it a try! I'd really appreciate it!

Check me out onBitchute! Same name same videos, but on there I don't have to deliberately miss spaces between words so youtube doesnt demote me further because their algorithm saw I promoted their competitor. Algorithms are because they're stupid and don't have big fancy book learnin like peoples dos.

I'll also upload the unedited shotgunbaby if I get some requests on there, I can't put that on youtube O:)

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