Anxious about politics, country, world, life itself? Can this help... a bit?

1 year ago

Dissatisfaction with oneself from fearful or unfulfilled desires. Advice from 1st-c AD. Seneca: "On Tranquillity of Mind". "The mind cannot endure walls and cages and hates to observe its own isolation. From these arise boredom and self-dissatisfaction, that turmoil of a restless mind, especially when we are ashamed to admit the reasons for it, and our sense of shame drives the agony inward, and our desires are trapped in narrow bounds without escape, and stifle themselves. From this arises melancholy and mourning and a thousand vacillations of a wavering mind buoyed by the birth of hope and sickened by the death of it".

"There are certain bodily sores which welcome the hands that hurt them, and long to be touched: a foul itch loves to be scratched: in the same way, I would say that those minds on which desires have broken out like horrid sores take delight in toil and aggravation".

"For the soldier is not the only man who stands in the battle line defending the right and left wings, but also the one who guards the gates and has the post, not as dangerous, but not idle either, of keeping the watch and guarding the armoury".

"I prefer real death to living death".

"...but, as I said, it is easier to bear, and simpler, not to acquire, than to lose what you have. And so you will notice those people are more cheerful whom Fortune has never favored than those whom she has deserted".

#Weakness, #Procrastination, #ContinuousChangeofpurpose, #Apathy, #PeaceofMind, #EaseofMind, #Weariness, #Stability, #Balance, #Stagnation, #AbandonedHopes, #WaveringMind, #Idleness, #Activity, #AgilityofMind, #MatchingofGoals, #SelfAppraisal,
Twitter: @InterpretingT

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