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The Collective Spiritual Detox
The Great Awakening isn't all sunshine and rainbows

FEB 18, 2024

The Great Awakening that humanity is going through necessitates a Great Detox of a mental and spiritual nature.

And it will get worse before it gets better.

When we physically detoxify our bodies, the process can be very uncomfortable for a short period while the heavy metals and toxic molecules are removed from the body. One can even feel worse than before one began cleansing due to dislodging of the chemicals. Within the medical field the name “Herxheimer Reaction” was coined to describe a process feeling worse before getting better when taking antibiotics.

This same concept applies to our mental and spiritual selves. When beginning to overcome a challenge, the pain of admitting we need to make a change or a tough decision brings more emotional distraught than before the journey began. Getting past the denial stage (“Nothing’s wrong!”) into the stage of “Oh crap, I do need to make a change” opens the flood gates of realization.

Realization brings pain, pain (hopefully) brings action, action brings relief as challenges are overcome.

This is one aspect of the Hero’s Journey philosophy often discussed in psychoanalytic circles, culminating with the Dark Night of the Soul.

At the pinnacle of his journey when fighting the toughest battle, the archetypal Hero hits a “rock bottom” thinking there’s no way out and no chance of success - just before finding the strength and will power to defeat his foe and complete his journey.

This blueprint, or archetypal story, can be applied to each one of our lives in many ways, and multiple times throughout our lives. We each go through our own Hero’s Journey of self discovery, fighting battles, hitting rock bottom, and finding the strength to overcome - only the embark on the journey again in another form.

Now let’s move these concepts from an individual level to a collective one - As Above, So Below.

Our society has embarked upon its own Hero’s Journey through this Great Awakening. We are beginning to move past that stage of denial into realization how screwed up things are in our world, realizing who has been screwing them up, and we are starting to do something about it. We’re finally picking our heads out of sand.

Humanity’s Hero’s Journey also bring humanity’s Dark Night of the Soul. In large part, we could say this is exactly where we are at right now. It may seem as if there’s no way out, as if the Mother WEFers and NWO folk have full spectrum dominance and there’s no way that We the People can succeed - yet this is where our ultimate willpower is found, the challenge is overcome, the most growth occurs. All we need is faith and action.

This Dark Night of the Soul is bringing about a mental and spiritual detox at the collective level. Its tough to admit that through our own apathy and ignorance (ignoring of the issues) that we have allowed these evil bastards in our world to operate. Its tough to admit how wrong and mislead we’ve been on so many issues - political, scientific, religious, historical. These realizations bring pain, more pain than we were in before we embarked on this Awakening Journey.

Yet, this mental/spiritual pain is necessary. Helpful, even. For only by feeling this pain and understanding where it came from will we make the choices necessary to never deal with this pain again - undo the slave systems on this planet and create systems that are beneficial for We the People, leading to freedom and prosperity.

Emotions like sadness and anger are often looked to in a negative fashion and avoided, but they are neutral things, and natural human emotions. Sadness and anger can be very strong motivators if dealt with and used resourcefully.

You could say this Great Awakening is bringing about a worldwide spiritual Herxheimer reaction. It’s been tough these last few years, hasn’t it? Purging all the lies from our collective consciousness and coming face to face with the evil in our world.

And each day that goes by it may seem as if it’s getting worse and worse, but this is only a natural consequence of the planetary evil in it’s final death throes before things start getting better. You can smell their desperation every time you turn on the news, it’s quite delicious.

Embrace the challenge, use the pain, don’t run from the difficulty. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s finally in view.

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Jordan Sather

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