iPhone is sharing your data with Researchers to Study

11 months ago

Have you checked you iPhone settings recently? If not, you need to!

A recent software updates from cell phone carriers included the addition of a permission for permitting “Research Studies Allowed to Read Data”

What that really means is, researchers working at Academic Institutions are allowed to read the personal data on YOUR phone to engage in a wide variety of research projects and studies.

It’s a free for all access to your personal life & all installed on the back-end, in hopes no one will notice and Academic Institutions building massive AI databases, that will be used to dictate policy and processes in pretty much everything we do in society, these institutions and their employees get access to your data & all for absolutely NO COST TO THEM!

The cost to you, is your privacy rights! But hey, as long as the corporate lobby gets their data, the hell with citizen rights!

Do you think this is absolutely an outrageous violation of our rights to privacy & enabling corporations to interfere with our basic civil rights, then join the fight! Sign up for email updates from us, at Citizens Interest website: citizensinterest.org

Academic Researcher have no right to infringe on personal freedoms in the name of “advancing their work”

Civil Rights are legally binding agents to protect the corporations from infringing on them.

Corporations, Academic & Federal agencies working together in an unholy alliance to change society while actively isolating the public from material facts of key interests must be investigated by Congress and those found guilty, held accountable to the highest extend of the law.

This is one of the largest market rigs in modern history unfolding right before our eyes.

#research #privacy #iPhone #surveillance #violationofprivacy #ai #datamining #transparency #oversight

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