Train More, Bleed Less

1 year ago

The older and slower and fatter you get, the more you become a target for the bad guys. It's been a fact of life as long as there has been life on earth.

Most interpersonal attacks are ambush-style, close-in attacks. I don't want to be a victim, so one way I train is in empty-hands combatives, including sparring with younger, faster, stronger, more experienced guys. There is nothing like a regular, proper ass-kicking to keep you humble!

Here we are all carrying our firearms (cleared and safe), while simulating a street fight. Then the lights go out. Now we are fighting by feel more than with our eyes.

Weapon retention is paramount. So is keeping the other guy from using his on you. Lots to think about--it's best to think about it, and train, before you need the skills in a fight.

I include some of these concepts and scenarios in my bestseller ENEMY AT THE HELM, available in most online retailers.

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