What is Sharia? and why everyone needs to know...

1 year ago

0:00 What is sharia and what does it include?
6:40 Apostates
9:10 Children and Purity
14:55 Marriage, Divorce, Inheritance & discrepancies
25:20 Zakat (Islamic Tax)
26:50 Justice
35:50 Enormities
40:00 Trade
42:24 Holding one’s tongue
45:20 Necessity

Non-Islamic countries are quickly being transformed through sharia but few know very much about it. This is a helpful overview of the subject.

Download handbook of Sharia law: Reliance of the Traveller, Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Amana Pub. 2015 https://archive.org/details/relianceofthetravellertheclassicmanualofislamicsacredlaw

Substack article: https://perspectivesonislam.substack.com/p/what-is-sharia

* See other videos on this channel for related topics.


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