LOST Andrew Tate Interview - 02/09/2019 - BEFORE TOP G WAS TOP G

1 year ago

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Back in the day, when I was just getting my start in podcasting, I was involved in a group called the Aionosphere. This podcast, and my cohosts, came from that group.

See Andrew Tate before his online empire was fully fledged, before he found God and converted to Islam, before the War Room, before the ban, before the arrest.

I think you're going to see a different side to Andrew in this interview than you've seen before, and I wonder if you'll feel the same way about him after watching it than you do before you see it.

A lot has changed in the world since early 2019, and a lot has changed in the world of Andrew Tate, both internally and externally, but some things never change.

Enjoy this peek behind the scenes.

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