The Gnostic Delusion

1 year ago

See here: in the early centuries it seems every sect had a gospel - or text - of a new revelation..... and ALL were sure they were in *the truth.* Being deceived just didn't compute. But, for all the charges against the integrity of Biblical texts, it's the GNOSTIC TEXTS that were written by men, even POSSESSED men yielded to deviant spirits (ARCHONS) naturally vexed and atagonistic towards the followers of Yahusha/Jesus Christ. The irony is the original gnostics were deceived by the very spirits they vilified.

Nowadays Gnosticism is romanticized by those presuming authority to add to or subtract from Gnostic Cosmogony to suit their vain theology. But the early gnostics were far from romantic.... they thought MATTER was inherently EVIL.... Something to be set free from...... No way would Christ be incarnated in iniquity..... Jesus Body was a Phantom!

They were Soul Suckered. The Apostle John identified with ANTICHRIST anyone who denied Jesus came in the flesh, because - IN TRUTH - Jesus EXALTED His body. Jesus is the Glorious Expression of GOD Incarnate (John 1:1-5)

Gnosticism is a terribly DELUSIVE parody of *the Truth.*

The Bible proffers ALL WE NEED TO KNOW about God, Christ and Spirit.

As a new ager I couldn't believe (I was damn sure I knew better) but in the *Light of Spirit* the Bible is Spirit Breathed, written by men Inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is as it's meant to be Supernaturally.

The Bible is the Revelation of *Yahusha/Jesus Christ.*

In sharp contrast gnosticism proffers false gospels and a fake Jesus.

Just 'cos a text says "Jesus said" don't mean He really said it.

They put words into Jesus' mouth to suit their syncretic pagan Syrian-Egyptian/Neo-Platonic/Greek FRANKENSTEIN COSMOGONY.

Any Jews involved in early gnosticism were corrupt, as Jesus knew much of Judaism is (especially mystical Judaism/Kabbalah) of Satan (John 8:44)

Modern gnostic adherents are generally activists/militant folk gleefully seizing upon anything that contradicts (to their myopic eyes) christian scripture. They unwittingly follow (like so many lemmings) the edicts of the early gnostics who thought the Biblical God wasn't the Most High GOD but a deluded demiurge: an ignorant despot and lesser spiritual deity.

A recent smear campaign gaining traction involves equating YHWH with SATAN.

Holy Spirit Begs to DIFFER.

Despite modern attempts at defamation, Jesus certainly represents the Old Testament God YHWH; He was the Voice of the Burning Bush (John 8:58).

Jesus referred to and quoted the YHWH worshipping Biblical Prophets and Patriarchs.

When Jesus said to the Pharisees, *"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it"* He wasn't saying YHWH is SaTan, but that the Pharisees thought they were worshipping YHWH yet were under satans influence and didn't know it. They were the spiritual children of Ha-Shatan. This was evident in that their desires matched Satan's: to kill and deceive.

They wanted to kill Jesus for speaking TRUTH.

"He was a murderer from the beginning" is a reference to the first SIN of disobedience and the alluring deception of self-exaltation (your eyes will be opened and you will be as gods) - which brought DEATH into the world and led to the first murder: the slaying of Abel.

The YHWH Worshipping Prophet Isaiah (whom Jesus quoted) saw that we live in a world where evil is called good and good evil. A planet filled with those who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter (Isaiah 5:20). The following verses 21-22 are pretty insightful too.

With eyes to SEE Jesus is clearly objectifies the Most High YHWH (John 1:1-5)

Contrary to the LIES I see that Gnostic cosmogony is an Archon (Demonic) fabrication.

True Scripture is Spirit Breathed, which the Nag Hammadi texts are not.

The only indication of TRUTH in a text is the stamp of the Spirit of truth.

*Which gnosticism doesn't have.*

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