Military Minute 19 Feb 24

8 months ago

I’m Papa Penguin and this is your MIlitary Minute.

Here’s a new one. The outgoing Dutch PM, Mark Rutte, also the front runner for the next head of NATO said that Europeans needed to stop crying about Trump. He also added "It's up to the Americans. I'm not an American, I cannot vote in the U.S. We have to work with whoever is on the dance floor,"

Ben Roberts-Smith, Australia’s most decorated Soldier, former SAS, Victoria Cross holder and all around badass has been embroiled in a defamation trial with newspapers accusing him of war crimes.

The former trooper had no charges brought against him after an inquiry was compromised by investigators using “special coercive powers”.

So let me get this straight. Despite investigators breaking the law, Australia's most decorated soldier was never found guilty of anything, and newspapers still ran stories accusing him of war crimes.

I can’t imagine why the Australian military is struggling with recruitment. Make a guy into a national hero and then publicly drag him down without anything resembling honest evidence. Great marketing plan.

I love the folks from the land down under but it appears their thinking may be upside down on this.

And that’s your Military Minute.

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